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Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?

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Super Advisor

howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?


I'm using Symantec Ghost 7.5
Corporate Edition to duplicate
win2k clients.
If I want to suck an image
with the ghost bootdisk
over the network via net bios from the ghost server
to the client
with this command:
x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=x:\new.gho,dst=1 -sure
is working well.

But how can I create an Image
from the WIN2000 Client with
2 partitions:
one diagnostic and one NTFS
with this boot disk over network.

I tried with:
x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=1,dst=x:\new.gho -sure
x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,src=1,dst=x:\new.gho -sure

but it doesn't work.
Any idea ?

New Member

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?

create a disk dump, instead of partion dump.

Super Advisor

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?

hallo eric

sorry,I don't know how it works.
I mean howto create disk dump, instead of partion dump ?
can you write more details, please.

kindly regards

Chris Kargl
New Member

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?


Here is what I would try.

x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=dump,src=1,dst=x:\new.gho -sure

What this does is dumps the image from the machine instead of loading the image to the machine.

Hope this helps.

Chris Kargl
Chris Kargl
New Member

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?

I made a mistake in my last post. I copied the wrong line. Anyway, it should look like this...

x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=dump,src=1,dst=x:\new.gho -sure

One more thing, if you have 2 hard drives installed in a machine, the src/dst=X tells ghost which drive to clone from/to. In this case, X starts with 1 and not 0 like in many other drive infos/configurations.

Post if you have any more issues.

Chris Kargl
Super Advisor

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?

thanks chris

it's working well now.
Super Advisor

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?


x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=pdump,src=1:1:2,dst=x:\new.gho -sure

is working excellent.

Super Advisor

Re: howto crate the image with ghost boot over network from client computer ?

to create an image from the whole hard disk,
for example if windows and linux were installed on the same hard disk:

x:\ghost\ghost.exe -clone,mode=dump,src=1,dst=x:\new.gho -sure
