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Securing your cloud-first future in a Zero Trust world

HPE202302250821_800_0_72_RGB.jpgIn the age of cloud-native applications and remote workforces, traditional security perimeters are fading faster than the pixels on a CRT monitor. To navigate this increasingly changing landscape, businesses are turning to the Secure Service Edge (SSE). But is SSE a must-have or a nice-to-have? In this article, what I believe are the consequences of both paths.

Why businesses should consider SSE

  • Enhanced visibility and control: A good SSE solution provides a centralized view of all cloud-based traffic, regardless of application, user, or location. This allows businesses to gain granular insights into data flows, identify anomalies, and enforce security policies consistently.
  • Simplified security architecture: With traditional approaches, securing cloud-based resources often involves juggling multiple different point solutions from a multitude of different vendors. The SSE architecture is designed to consolidate these functionalities into a unified platform, reducing complexity, and streamlining management.
  • Improved data protection: Data breaches are costly and damaging, and SSE plays a crucial role in safeguarding our sensitive information. By enforcing Zero Trust principles, SSE minimizes the attack surface and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Greater compliance: Regulatory requirements around data privacy and security are ever evolving, with more and more regulators moving towards Zero Trust Security. SSE can help businesses stay compliant by meeting this requirement and by providing auditable logs, automated controls, and built-in compliance features.
  • Reduced costs: While adopting a new technology requires investment, SSE can ultimately reduce security spending. By consolidating multiple point solutions, streamlining operations, and automating tasks, businesses can enjoy cost savings and operational efficiency.

Consequences of ignoring SSE

  • Increased risk of data breaches: Without the visibility and control provided by SSE, businesses are flying blind when it comes to their cloud security. Your users, their devices, and their data no longer live within the confines of our castle and moat, leaving them all vulnerable to cyberattacks that can result in data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage.
  • Compliance failures: Noncompliance with new Zero Trust-based data privacy regulations can lead to hefty fines and legal repercussions. SSE can help businesses avoid these consequences by ensuring they adhere to these new regulations.
  • Loss of productivity: Security incidents that go unnoticed disrupt operations and lead to downtime, impacting employee productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Competitive disadvantage: Customers and partners are increasingly demanding strong security practices from their vendors. Businesses that lag in their security posture risk losing valuable opportunities.

The value proposition of SSE

By adopting SSE, businesses gain:

  • Peace of mind: Knowing their cloud environments are secure and compliant allows businesses to focus on their core operations with confidence.
  • Competitive advantage: Demonstrating strong security practices often attracts and helps retain customers and partners, giving businesses a competitive edge.
  • Operational efficiency: Streamlined security management and automated tasks free up IT resources for innovation and growth.
  • Future-proof security: SSE aligns with the Zero Trust principles that are essential for securing modern cloud environments.

In conclusion, SSE is not just a trendy buzzword, it's a strategic decision for businesses in our new hybrid world. While ignoring SSE might seem like the easy route to take in the short term, the potential consequences far outweigh any perceived benefits. By embracing SSE, businesses can secure their cloud-first future, build trust with stakeholders, and achieve sustainable growth in a Zero Trust landscape.

The choice is clear: To SSE, and thrive.

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About the Author


Jaye Tillson is a Field CTO at HPE Aruba Networking (formerly Axis Security), boasting over 25 years of invaluable expertise in successfully implementing strategic global technology programs. With a strong focus on digital transformation, Jaye has been instrumental in guiding numerous organizations through their zero-trust journey, enabling them to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Jaye's passion lies in collaborating with enterprises, assisting them in their strategic pursuit of zero trust. He takes pride in leveraging his real-world experience to address critical issues and challenges faced by these businesses. Beyond his professional pursuits, Jaye co-founded the SSE Forum and co-hosts its popular podcast called 'The Edge.' This platform allows him to engage with a broader audience, fostering meaningful discussions on industry trends and innovations. In his leisure time, Jaye indulges in his passions for motor racing, savoring delectable cuisine, and exploring the wonders of the world through his travels.