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The evolution of remote access and the rise of ZTNA

HPE202208240083731_1600_0_72_RGB.jpgThe ability to access a computer remotely has revolutionized how we work. This journey, however, has been a continuous dance with evolving technologies, each striving to overcome the limitations of the previous. Let's delve into this fascinating progression, highlighting the challenges that are pushing us towards a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) future.

The dawning of remote access: Dial-up dreams

The birth of the internet in the late 20th century opened the door to remote access. Primitive dial-up connections, characterized by their ear-splitting handshakes, enabled users to connect to remote servers and access files whilst on the road. However, the excruciatingly slow speeds (remember waiting minutes for a single image to load line by line?) and unreliable connections made this a cumbersome and frustrating experience.

The rise of remote work: Embracing the VPN

As internet speeds started to soar with the advent of DSL and cable, remote work began to gain significant traction. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) emerged as a secure solution, creating an encrypted tunnel over the public internet to access a company's internal network. This allowed employees secure access to corporate resources like email, file servers, and internal applications, regardless of their physical location.

The shifting landscape: VPNs under scrutiny

While VPNs ushered in a new era of remote work, their limitations are becoming increasingly apparent with the shifting workforce, the rise of the cloud, and our new hybrid world. Security concerns are a major cause for alarm. A report revealed a staggering statistic: 77% of apps reviewed in a Top10VPN investigation were flagged as potentially unsafe. This vulnerability leaves companies exposed to cyberattacks, with ransomware attacks on the rise. According to Cybersecurity Ventures, global ransomware damage costs are projected to reach a staggering $71.5 billion by 2026, highlighting the immense financial risk companies face.

Beyond security: The user experience woes of VPNs

Security concerns aren't the only drawback of VPNs. They can often create bottlenecks, impacting user experience with slow connections. Imagine waiting for a crucial document to load during a critical videoconferenceโ€”a scenario all too familiar for many remote workers. Additionally, VPNs can hinder access to cloud-based applications, forcing users to navigate complex configurations to simply access their work tools.

The Zero Trust revolution: A more secure and efficient future

These limitations are driving the adoption of Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) tools. Unlike VPNs, ZTNA doesn't rely on granting blanket access to the entire network. Instead, it verifies access requests on a per-application basis. This "never trust, always verify" approach eliminates the security risks associated with open access. Imagine a fortress where every entry point requires individual verification, not just a single, easily compromised gate. This granular control significantly reduces the attack surface for potential cyber threats.

Furthermore, ZTNA offers a smoother user experience with direct connections to applications no matter where they are, bypassing the need to tunnel through an entire network. This translates to faster loading times and a more responsive work environment, boosting productivity and employee satisfaction.

The road ahead: a paradigm shift towards Zero Trust

As the hybrid work landscape continues to evolve, ZTNA tools are poised to take center stage. By addressing VPNโ€™s inherent risks and limitations, they offer a more secure and user-friendly solution for a geographically dispersed workforce. This shift towards Zero Trust principles signifies a paradigm change in remote access, prioritizing security and a seamless user experience for the modern workplace. ZTNA represents the next step in our remote access journey, ensuring a future where employees can work productively and securely from anywhere in the world.

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About the Author


Jaye Tillson is a Field CTO at HPE Aruba Networking (formerly Axis Security), boasting over 25 years of invaluable expertise in successfully implementing strategic global technology programs. With a strong focus on digital transformation, Jaye has been instrumental in guiding numerous organizations through their zero-trust journey, enabling them to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Jaye's passion lies in collaborating with enterprises, assisting them in their strategic pursuit of zero trust. He takes pride in leveraging his real-world experience to address critical issues and challenges faced by these businesses. Beyond his professional pursuits, Jaye co-founded the SSE Forum and co-hosts its popular podcast called 'The Edge.' This platform allows him to engage with a broader audience, fostering meaningful discussions on industry trends and innovations. In his leisure time, Jaye indulges in his passions for motor racing, savoring delectable cuisine, and exploring the wonders of the world through his travels.