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Re: 10054 Socket errors

New Member

10054 Socket errors

We are an HP house,we have 5 servers, over 50 workstations and our database program is Sybase's advantage data architect. In the error logs for advantage data architect, it detects and logs that there are 10054 socket errors happening, but it does not identify what is causing them. We used a low level sniffer to try to capture the source, but it was not able to detect. Our Hardware team has network probes set on the network, so when there is a disconnectin the network, then alerts will be sent to them, however, when the socket errors occur, they do not receive any alerts, leading them to believe that this is a software issue. Our software team says that socket errors are due to some sort of hardware issue.

Can someone advise how we can determine what is the cause of the 10054 socket errors, and a possible fix, if any?
Kevin Lister
Frequent Advisor

Re: 10054 Socket errors

Can you please share a snippet of the errors from the log?


New Member

Re: 10054 Socket errors

HI Kev,

attached is the screen shot
Laurent Menase
Honored Contributor

Re: 10054 Socket errors

I suppose that this 10054 socket error is a sybase error message.

So you should ask to Sybase support to help you to understand that.
Only them can tell you what is that error 10054
Honored Contributor

Re: 10054 Socket errors

The columns ADS_SOURCE and SRC_LINE might indicate the source file name and line number where the error occurs.

In the log screenshot you posted, all the errors refer to file RCV.C, line 3335.

The first step would be to find out what the program is trying to do on that line. It's probably calling a function of some sort.

The next step would be to find the documentation of that particular function, and try to understand what the error code 10054 means in the context of that function.

Kevin Lister
Frequent Advisor

Re: 10054 Socket errors

Yes! What matti said! ;o)
rick jones
Honored Contributor

Re: 10054 Socket errors

And when you do end-up contacting the sw vendor, you might suggest to them that they propagate the specific errno value(s) into their logs.
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