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add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

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add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

hi all

i have a 2-node cluster with one package which contains about 14 different apps. i need to add 2 new volume groups and change 1 existing volume group (keeping the volume group name but changing the lvols).
my question is, what is the best technique to keep downtime to a minimum

thx in advance
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Hi Friend,

one thing is sure its require downtime.As per my knowledge for adding the new VG cluster halting is require.

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Hi ,

Which service guard version ur using

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one


Pls share your plan how you are going to achive this So we can start thinking in different way other than your plan

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Deepak Kr
Respected Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Downtime question?

There is no need to put cluster down here. =

You can do all changes you required (vgcreation and export/import for new vgs even when package is running.

What u need to do is.

1. Create the VG and LV's on the node where the package is running( hope it is active/passive cluster).
2. make the VG cluster aware
#vgchange -c y
3. update the package control file with VG name and LV and mount point on both nodes manually.
4. activate the vg manually in exclusive mode.
# vgcgange -a e
# mount the LV's manually using mount command with proper mount options specified in the contol file
5. create a map file
#vgexport -v -p -s -m /tmp/vgname.map vgname
6. copy the map file on the second nodes.

7. create the vgdirectory and create the group file and mount points both nodes
#mkdir /dev/vgname
#mknod /dev/vgname/group c 64
8. import the vg
#vgimport -v -s -m /tmp/vgname.map vgname

9. if u want to confirm that the vg is imported properly, activate the vg in read only mode and then deactivate it.

#vgchange -a r vgname

to verify if vg is available for this node also.

#vgdisplay vgname
#vgcfgbackup vgname
#vgchange -a n vgname

If you want to give the space to an existing package, you will need to modify the package configuration script, include the new volume group on one node and then fail the package over to that node. Then migrate the new script over to the second node

>>>change 1 existing volume group >>>

what changes are you doing in this.

"There is always some scope for improvement"
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Hi Dipak,

Suppose its a Active/Active cluster Then .

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Hi Dipak,

I thing one important steps u missed out

To add the NEW VG in cluster configeration file.Pls correct me if I am wrong.

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Hi Dipak,

You missed out one steps in your reply.If the VG exported without deactivating on primary node then it will give the error that the VG in use or busy.So before exporting it, it should be deactivated on primary node. Then we can expoert without any error

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Deepak Kr
Respected Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one


in case of Active/Active cluster, we have to go for downtime here.

Yes, newly created vgs needs to be added in cluster config file, what we are doing here is we are making vg cluster aware MANUALLY.

Yeah vgexport will give error but we can ignore it . Also we are creating a map file only not actually removing vg.

"There is always some scope for improvement"
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: add 2 new volume groups and change and old one

Hi Dipak ,

U r right .if its a active/passive then we can make the VG cluster aware using #vgscan -c y vgname.

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability