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Re: alert mail send

Super Advisor

alert mail send

we need to send the alert mail,  when license down


normal license working


$tail -1 /home/raj/lic.txt

20 license in use


when license not working

$tail -1 /home/raj/lic.txt

unable to connect


i need to send the mail where the lic.txt file output comes unable to connect that time we need to send the mail


please share the procedure

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: alert mail send

You could do something like the following and add to crontab:

tail -1 /home/raj/lic.txt | grep -q "unable to connect"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

   echo "Got unable to connect from $(hostname)" | mailx -s "Unable to connect" send-location@foo.com
