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Backup & Restore Crashed system

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Backup & Restore Crashed system



Kindly urgent help me to restore the crash system. HPUX 11.23


MP access available.


DVD disk is not available.


LTO Tape Backup = Available


Storage is configured thought SAN with it. Kindly guide me to restore storage mount points.




Crashed Activty logs



Power Status


The following MP bus devices were found:
|   |    |     |       |       |           |
|   |    | Sys |       |  IO   | Bulk Pwr  |
|Cab| MP |Bkpln| Cells |Chassis| Supplies  |
| # |M  S|     |0 1 2 3| 0   1 |0 1 2 3 4 5|
| 0 |*  *|  *  |* * * *| *   * |* * * * * *|
| 8 |*  *|  *  |- - - -| *   * |* * - - - -|

Power Status
               |     |       |       |           |
               | Sys |       |  IO   | Bulk Pwr  |
               |Bkpln| Cells |Chassis| Supplies  |
               |     |0 1 2 3| 0   1 |0 1 2 3 4 5|
 Populated     |  *  |* * * *| *   * |* * * * * *|
 Enabled       |  *  |* * *  | *   * |* * * * * *|
 Power OK      |  *  |* * *  | *   * |* * * * * *|
 Warning/Fault |     |       |       |           |
 Attention LED |     |       |       |           |


Activtiy Logs


768  PDC  0,0,0  1  0xa00002109f000017 0x000000000000000c BOOT_AT_SINC_BIB
768  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x58000a0000000010 0x0000720b1a16020d 12/26/2014 22:02:13
767  PDC  0,0,0  1  0xa00001109f000016 0x000000000008000c BOOT_INVOKE_FABRIC_DISCOVERY
767  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x5800090000000010 0x0000720b1a16020d 12/26/2014 22:02:13
766  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x180008108200208b 0x0000000000000000 IO_EXAMINE_IO_CABLE
765  PDC  0,0,0  1  0xa00007109f000015 0x000000000007000c BOOT_INVOKE_IO_DISCOVERY
765  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x58000f0000000010 0x0000720b1a16020d 12/26/2014 22:02:13
764  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c4109f000017 0x000000000000000c BOOT_AT_SINC_BIB
764  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800cc0000000010 0x0000720b1a160131 12/26/2014 22:01:49
763  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c3109f000016 0x000000000008000c BOOT_INVOKE_FABRIC_DISCOVERY
763  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800cb0000000010 0x0000720b1a160131 12/26/2014 22:01:49
762  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x1800c810820020ab 0x0000000000000000 IO_IDENTIFY_BP_TYPE
761  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x1800c8108200209b 0x000000ffff45e6e0 IO_ERRORS_MODULE_INIT
760  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x1800c8108200208b 0x0000000000000000 IO_EXAMINE_IO_CABLE
759  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c2109f000015 0x000000000007000c BOOT_INVOKE_IO_DISCOVERY
759  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800ca0000000010 0x0000720b1a16012a 12/26/2014 22:01:42
758  PDC  0,2,0  1  0xa00085109f000017 0x000000000000000c BOOT_AT_SINC_BIB
758  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x58008d0000000010 0x0000720b1a160128 12/26/2014 22:01:40
757  PDC  0,2,0  1  0xa00084109f000016 0x000000000008000c BOOT_INVOKE_FABRIC_DISCOVERY
757  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x58008c0000000010 0x0000720b1a160128 12/26/2014 22:01:40
756  PDC  0,2,0 *10 0x180083a38200322c 0xfffffffffffffe13 IO_IDENTIFY_IO_BP_FAILED
756  PDC  0,2,0 *10 0x58008b0000003220 0x0000720b1a160128 12/26/2014 22:01:40
MP:VWR (<CR>,<sp>,+,-,D,F,L,J,V,H,^B) >
#    Location Alert Keyword                            Timestamp
755  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x18008813820036bc 0x0000000000000000 IO_SUBSYSTEM_FAILED
754  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x18008810820020ab 0x0000000000000000 IO_IDENTIFY_BP_TYPE
753  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x180088108200209b 0x000000ffff45e6e0 IO_ERRORS_MODULE_INIT
752  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x180088108200208b 0x0000000000000000 IO_EXAMINE_IO_CABLE
751  PDC  0,2,0  1  0xa00082109f000015 0x000000000007000c BOOT_INVOKE_IO_DISCOVERY
751  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x58008a0000000010 0x0000720b1a160128 12/26/2014 22:01:40
750  PDC  0,0,0  1  0xa00006109f000014 0x000000000006000c BOOT_INVOKE_LATE_SELFTESTS
750  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x58000e0000000010 0x0000720b1a160124 12/26/2014 22:01:36
749  PDC  0,2,0  1  0xa00081109f000014 0x000000000006000c BOOT_INVOKE_LATE_SELFTESTS
749  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x5800890000000010 0x0000720b1a160122 12/26/2014 22:01:34
748  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c1109f000014 0x000000000006000c BOOT_INVOKE_LATE_SELFTESTS
748  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800c90000000010 0x0000720b1a16011f 12/26/2014 22:01:31
747  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x200008107600106c 0x00ffff00ff3dff74 MEM_DIMM_FOUND
729  PDC  0,0,0  1  0x200008107600106c 0x00ffff00ff0aff74 MEM_DIMM_FOUND
703  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x58008f0000000010 0x0000720b1a16000c 12/26/2014 22:00:12
702  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x2000c8107600106c 0x00ffff03ff0aff74 MEM_DIMM_FOUND
701  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c7109f000013 0x000000000005000c BOOT_INVOKE_MEM_DISCOVERY
701  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800cf0000000010 0x0000720b1a16000a 12/26/2014 22:00:10
700  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c6109f000012 0x000000000004000c BOOT_INVOKE_EARLY_SELFTESTS
700  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800ce0000000010 0x0000720b1a160009 12/26/2014 22:00:09
699  PDC  0,2,0  1  0xa00086109f000012 0x000000000004000c BOOT_INVOKE_EARLY_SELFTESTS
699  PDC  0,2,0  1  0x58008e0000000010 0x0000720b1a160005 12/26/2014 22:00:05
676  PDC  0,3,0  1  0xa000c5109f000011 0x0000000000000000 BOOT_BOOT_START
676  PDC  0,3,0  1  0x5800cd0000000010 0x0000720b1a160001 12/26/2014 22:00:01
675  PDHC 0,3    1  0x2060351035032fdf 0x00ffff03ff00ff91 PDH_SM_GOOD
675  PDHC 0,3    1  0x58603d0000002fd0 0x0000720b1a160001 12/26/2014 22:00:01


VPAR is available



MP> vfp

    Partition VFP's available:

  Part#  Name
  -----  ----
     0)  Partition 0
     1)  Partition 1
     2)  Partition 2
     S)  System summary
     Q)  Quit


Status  0)  op


 PARTITION STATUS:  E indicates error since last boot
     Partition 0  state            Activity
     ------------------            --------

  #  Cell state                    Activity
  -  ----------                    --------



Status  Partition 1


 PARTITION STATUS:  E indicates error since last boot
     Partition 1  state            Activity
     ------------------            --------
     Partition Booting: 1133  Logs

  #  Cell state                    Activity
  -  ----------                    --------
  0  Ready to boot/boot is blocked Cell firmware                      544  Logs



Status  Partition 2


 PARTITION STATUS:  E indicates error since last boot
     Partition 2  state            Activity
     ------------------            --------
     Partition Booting:  903  Logs

  #  Cell state                    Activity
  -  ----------                    --------
E 2  Ready to boot/boot is blocked Cell firmware                      449  Logs
  3  Ready to boot/boot is blocked Cell firmware                      451  Logs


Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Restore crashed system

Do you have an Ignite backup?

Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Backup & Restore Crashed system

This is a cell based system and there is an E in front of cell #2 indicating a hardware failure has occurred. So you'll have to get the hardware repaired before trying to boot the system again. Do you know anything about how this system has been setup? It appears that there are 3 separate partitions with partition 0 and 1 containing 1 cell board each, and partition 2 has 2 cell boards. This is called nPar partitioning and each partition usually has its own OS which may be one or more vPars in each partition.


It appears that nPar 1 is booting and probably running OK. Do you have any idea what model computer this is? Do you know if there are vPars running in the partitions. This could be a very complex setup with many, many instances of HP-UX running on all the partitions.


There is no need to restore anything yet. With the hardware failure, you'll need to fix that first. But without accurate information about the partitions, the next steps to boot the systems cannot be accurately listed. The boot-is-blocked flag has been set in several cells and that needs to be investigated once the hardware is repaired.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin