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bdfmegs ver 6.1 available

Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: bdfmegs ver 6.1 available: interpreter "/usr/bin/sh" not found

>> interpreter "/usr/bin/sh" not found


Although you can't see it, there is probably ^M at the end of every line. This is a very common problem between Windows and Unix systems. When you transferred the script from your PC to the HP-UX system, you probably used ftp and did not choose the ASCII transfer method. Windows adds an extra character to the end of every line (ctrl-M or carriage return). You can fix this in two ways:


1. Transfer the file again using ftp but select ASCII rather than BINARY as the transfer method,


2. Use dos2ux like this:


cd /directory_with_bdfmegs
dos2ux bdfmegs > bdfmegs.fix
mv bdfmegs.fix bdfmegs

Now it will run correctly.


I have attached the latest version (6.4).

New features:


-- Handles up to zettabytes (kilo mega giga tera peta etta zetta)

-- Identifies read-only filesystems with "*"

-- Added -D to allow stdin piped into bdfmegs. This is used when you have a text file or email message with plain bdf and you want to reformat it with bdfmegs.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Honored Contributor

Re: bdfmegs ver 6.1 available: interpreter "/usr/bin/sh" not found

Thanks again for the share, Bill.



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singh sanjeev
Trusted Contributor

Re: bdfmegs ver 6.1 available: interpreter "/usr/bin/sh" not found

Thank you Bill , Great work !!!
Sanjeev Singh