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can i change virtual ip cluster via APA(auto Port Agregation) on SMH?

Occasional Contributor

can i change virtual ip cluster via APA(auto Port Agregation) on SMH?



my environment has implement service guard as cluster and it has 2 node.

Node 1 is active server and handle of application(SAP,oracle) and node 2 as passive server.

i wanna change Ip virtual on cluster by SMH. it is posible to assign new ip? it safe or not?

hope a good answers :)



Honored Contributor

Re: can i change virtual ip cluster via APA(auto Port Agregation) on SMH?

You are apparently talking about HP-UX. This sub-community is about the Linux version of Serviceguard.

You'll want this one:: https://community.hpe.com/t5/Serviceguard/bd-p/itrc-210

Perhaps ask the moderators to move your thread there?

I have been using HP-UX and Serviceguard, but not so much SMH. If SMH is not specifically aware of Serviceguard, changing the virtual IP through SMH might add the new virtual IP configuration to /etc/rc.config.d/network instead of Serviceguard cluster configuration. It might even seem to work, until you stop and restart the application package for any reason. Then you might see the old virtual IP re-appearing, and/or the new "virtua IP" remaining stuck on the node it was initially configured on, even if the application package is moved on the other node.

If SMH now has Serviceguard-specific settings pages that will allow you to edit the configuration of your application packages, those would probably be fine.