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Changing Installation path for JDK

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Mukul Upadhyaya_3
New Member

Changing Installation path for JDK

I have on version of JDK already installed in /opt/java1.4 and wanted to install on the same server. Is there anyway I can specify an alternate directory for installation. So far I have tried -
lewis# swinstall -s $(pwd)/sdk14_14208_1100.depot T1456AA @ /vendor

The above installed the jdk in /vendor/opt/java1.4 directory. But I dod get following errors->
* Selection succeeded.

* Beginning Analysis and Execution
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "lewis:/vendor".
ERROR: "lewis:/vendor": An update to the installed product database
or depot catalog may have errors.
WARNING: "lewis:/vendor": 1 postinstall or postremove scripts had
* The execution phase failed for "lewis:/vendor".
* Analysis and Execution had errors.

NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log lewis-0061 @ lewis:/vendor".

======= 05/23/05 09:32:51 EDT END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive)

When I check swjob logs, hereis what I see->
lewis# swjob -a log lewis-0061 @ lewis:/vendor
======= 05/23/05 09:31:32 EDT BEGIN install AGENT SESSION (pid=9040)

* Agent session started for user "root@lewis". (pid=9040)

* Beginning Analysis Phase.
* Source:
* Target: lewis:/vendor
* Target logfile: lewis:/vendor/var/adm/sw/swagent.log
* Reading source for product information.
* Reading source for file information.
* Executing preDSA command.
NOTE: The used disk space on filesystem "/vendor" is estimated to
increase by 131900 Kbytes.
This will leave 1072074 Kbytes of available user disk space
after the installation.

* Summary of Analysis Phase:
* 13 of 13 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
* The Analysis Phase succeeded.

* Beginning the Install Execution Phase.
* Filesets: 13
* Files: 1418
* Kbytes: 130427
ERROR: RPC exception: "Who are you failed (dce / rpc)" 05/23/05
09:32:09 EDT
ERROR: Failed to register "/vendor". You must register it later using
the "swreg" command.
* Installing bundle "T1456AA,r=" .
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-COM,r=" (1 of 13).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-DEMO,r=" (2 of 13).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA11,r=" (3 of 13).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA20,r=" (4 of 13).
* Installing fileset "Jdk14.JDK14-PA20W,r=" (5 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-COM,r=" (6 of 13).
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-COM-DOC,r=" (7 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA11,r=" (8 of 13).
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA11-HS,r=" (9 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20,r=" (10 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20-HS,r=" (11 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20W,r=" (12 of
* Installing fileset "Jre14.JRE14-PA20W-HS,r=" (13 of
* Running install clean command /usr/lbin/sw/install_clean.
WARNING: Transition links are not created for the filesets installed
at the target. After booting up from the system using
the alternate root at the target, run tlinstall command to
create transition links.
WARNING: The command "/usr/lbin/sw/install_clean" had warnings. The
installation will continue. Check the above output for
details about the warnings.
* Building the software file "/vendor/var/adm/sw/needs_config"
to be used for post-reboot "swconfig" execution. The
information in this file will be used as input to "swconfig"
after the system reboots.

* Summary of Execution Phase:
* 13 of 13 filesets had no Errors or Warnings.
ERROR: The Execution Phase had errors and warnings. See the above
output for details.

======= 05/23/05 09:32:51 EDT END install AGENT SESSION (pid=9040)
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

I ran an experiment like this a year or so ago no a D class server. In the end, though we could get the install to go to a different location we didn't end up with two usable JDK 1.4.x versions on the sysetm.

Though there may be a way around this, it appears to me that within the 1.4.x world, you can have one version, though its possible to have Java 1.1, 1.2 1.3 and 1.4 on the same system with no ill effects.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
Sponsor: http://hpux.ws
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hpuxlinux
Founder http://newdatacloud.com
Simon Hargrave
Honored Contributor

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

I would suggest that perhaps the easiest way is to: -

rename /opt/java1.4 to /opt/java1.4.2.04
install as normal
rename this new directory as /opt/java1.4.2.08
You can then set up your path to use either, and create a symbolic link to /opt/java for whichever one you prefer.

This however may cause problem in future, when uninstalling or patching the software. If you are happy for the earlier version to not be patched in future then you may be okay, but be sure this "hack" is documented against your server.
Honored Contributor

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

java install trees can be anywhere. This explains the fact that for a typical HP-UX/UNIX system you can see an average of 3-4 Java installations (some bundled with software like... Oracle, BEAeven HP's own management tools...)

So yes, you can simply rename as the previous poster has illustrated. Your apps / user environment should then simply point via environment variables to the Java installation it desires to use.

Hakuna Matata.
Mukul Upadhyaya_3
New Member

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

I have no problems in renaming or tar and untar approach. I was more intrested in knowing how I can register /vendor as depot so I can get rid of the ->
* Kbytes: 130427
ERROR: RPC exception: "Who are you failed (dce / rpc)" 05/23/05
09:32:09 EDT
ERROR: Failed to register "/vendor". You must register it later using
the "swreg" command.
* Installing bundle "T1456AA,r=" .

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

Any suggestions for the above question GURU's ...
I have also encountered this problem of transition links, although the software is not java, but my own created package. It succeeds when it is installed with target directory /, but fails with the errors like above posted by mukul when installed on other location than /.
What i could conclude is
it succeeds with install setup, loading and than when it touches install clean it gives errors. I know in /usr/lbin/install_clean it checks for those old days shared and private roots and exits, but than my concern is why it does not go ahead with the configure part, after all the transition link think is warning only.
This is happening both when i install with swinstall GUE and command line. I thought technically, i should succeed with GUE on alternate root from the default /.
Mukul Upadhyaya_3
New Member

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

Try bouncing the daemon /usr/sbin/swagentd.

/sbin/init.d/swagentd stop
/sbin/init.d/swagentd start

Re: Changing Installation path for JDK

No it did not helped.
What you did for your case.