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cmcld: Inbound UDP message from unconfigured address

Ermin Borovac
Honored Contributor

cmcld: Inbound UDP message from unconfigured address

prod1 is a system in two-node SG cluster. It is also a nameserver running named.

The following errors started appearing in syslog after upgrade to BIND-920 (B. "Unconfigured address" is some external IP (different one each time).

Aug 7 01:32:41 prod1 cmcld: Inbound UDP message from unconfigured address x.x.x.x
Aug 7 01:32:42 prod1 cmclconfd[2019]: Updated file /var/adm/cmcluster/frdump.cmcld.7 for node prod1 (length = 512096).

Any ideas on why cmcld is getting these messages?
Prashanth Waugh
Esteemed Contributor

Re: cmcld: Inbound UDP message from unconfigured address

Hi Ermin,

What is the service guard version

For success, attitude is equally as important as ability
Ermin Borovac
Honored Contributor

Re: cmcld: Inbound UDP message from unconfigured address

Hi Atul,

SG Version is A.11.16.00 patched with PHSS_32732 and PHSS_32733.

Messages only started appearing after BIND upgrade from B. to B.