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Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)

Dayanand Naik
Frequent Advisor

Connection to the system slow (using telnet)


My problem:

When i try to connect to my unix server (devlop) running on hp-ux 11.11 on A Class, from any client it takes a very long time.

eg. telnet develop or telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

i do have a host entry on the local client and as well on the server. what could be the problem. i had enabled dns resolution will that be the cluprit.

suggestion welcomed.

Dayanand Naik.
Dayanand Naik
Paula J Frazer-Campbell
Honored Contributor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)


This may help


If you can spell SysAdmin then you is one - anon
Occasional Advisor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)

Please check you network.
Hell Leader
Occasional Advisor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)

Please check your network.
Hell Leader
Honored Contributor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)


We had a similar problem..

If U have enabled DNS then

check in /etc/resolv.conf that the first DNS Server is working or containing the approriare Zone Date..

When a client(say A) connects to a Server(Say B) then B will try to resolv the host name responsible for the incoming Telnet Service Request ..

Make sure that the server is able to resolve the clients name to IP without any problem..

Hope this helps


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Honored Contributor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)


Look at your /etc/nsswitch.conf,
If you are not using DNS and have set up your /etc/resolv.conf , look at your order of your DNS servers.

But if your hosts are not defined in DNS and you want to use local files, modify the hosts entry in your nsswitch.conf to point to files first and then DNS. There are some sample files in /usr/newconfig/etc/ dir.

They think they know but don't. At least I know I don't know - Socrates
Sridhar Bhaskarla
Honored Contributor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)

DNS is the culprit most of the times in this kind of problems. Check your name server definitions. Ping to your name server configured on your A-class and see how much response you are getting. Also try to nslookup some systems and verify the response times. If the response time is too high, then keep entries for your mostly accessing systems in /etc/hosts and change the order in your nsswitch.conf to look up hosts for than later DNS with NOTFOUNT=continue option.

Also, check the subnet mask of the IP of you A-class server. An improperly configured subnetmask also can cause the problem.

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)

telnet will attempt to resolve a host by name as well as IP address. If DNS is unable to resolve both ways, there will be a delay. Also, if the DNS server does not know it's own name (a far too common mistake), nslookup will ignore the nameserver for security reasons.

If you do not have control over the DNS entries, create the file /eetc/nsswitch.conf and place the line:

hosts: file dns

in it. Now make sure /etc/hosts has the name and IP address of the machine trying to connect. hosts then dns is a both a reliability feature as well as a performance enhancer. Most machines have a limited number of remote connections so hosts does not have to be very large,

Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Dayanand Naik
Frequent Advisor

Re: Connection to the system slow (using telnet)


thanks for all those who replied.... The problem was ofcourse the /etc/resolve.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf

Now the telnet to the system is fine.

Dayanand Naik.
Dayanand Naik