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converting a program that runs on HP-UX to run on Ubuntu Server 18.04

Occasional Contributor

converting a program that runs on HP-UX to run on Ubuntu Server 18.04

I have a program (Not sure what language it's in) that runs on HP-UX. I need this to run on an Ubuntu 18.04 server. Is there any easy way of doing this?

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: converting a program that runs on HP-UX to run on Ubuntu Server 18.04

> I have a program (Not sure what language it's in) [...]

   That non-description conveys no useful information.  What, exactly,
have you?  An executable?  Source code?  What is this "a program"?  Any
actual information might be more helpful.

> [...] Is there any easy way of doing this?

   It depends.

Occasional Contributor

Re: converting a program that runs on HP-UX to run on Ubuntu Server 18.04

It's an executable program. Honestly that's about all I know. The program was custom made A LONG time ago for tests that we run.

Was hoping it was a simple answer, but probably not. Will have to wait for our programmer to come back from vacation.


Re: converting a program that runs on HP-UX to run on Ubuntu Server 18.04



Please share the server model...Like ( DL380 gen9....ML350 Gen8....Etc.)

I am a HPE Employee.
[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]

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