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Re: Couldn't bind to reserved port (NFS Issue)

Anoop Sivan
Frequent Advisor

Couldn't bind to reserved port (NFS Issue)

We have an NFS issue stating,
"Sep 28 12:38:34 svgtj354 automountd[1444]: mount safgsbcxxx: Couldn't bind to reserved port"
The above message is repeating 53 times, and intermittently.
stebeb300#bdf /usr/sip/txxx/ODP /usr/sip/txxx/GRU
Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/etc/auto_direct 0 0 0 0% /usr/sip/txxx/ODP
/etc/auto_direct 0 0 0 0% /usr/sip/txxx/GRU
stebeb300# uname -a;model
HP-UX stebeb300 B.11.31 U ia64 1907724532 unlimited-user license
ia64 hp server Integrity Virtual Machine
Frequent Advisor

Re: Couldn't bind to reserved port (NFS Issue)

Hi ,

What is safgsbcxxx ? is it a system ? if yes
can you post the result of rpcinfo -p safgsbcxxx

can you post the result of rpcinfo -p localhost ?