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Disk Array Issue for Storageworks 2405

Occasional Contributor

Disk Array Issue for Storageworks 2405

OS= HPUX 11.11

System= RP7420

Disk Array = Storageworks 2405 with SCIS C1010 Ultra wide 160 drives

Having issue where one drive indicates it is bad and upon replacement – we get zero disk space on the drive.

Now starting to get other disk drive errors.

Wondering if this might be a midplane issue on the disk array.

The 2 disks that are bad are not part of a volume group on system. One of the disks was a mirror disk in a volume group but lvreduced the mirrors and  vgreduced it out of the volume group. Before that the vgdisplay showed some stale extents on the mirrored lvol’s but that doesn’t show up anymore since it was reduced out.

The diskinfo for the 2 bad disks showing 0 kbytes is below. They show up fine in ioscan as CLAIMED with no errors. Very puzzling. They also show up as FAILED in cstm – that output is below.

teossh1:root:/root>diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c10t9d0

SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c10t9d0:

             vendor: HP 73.4G

         product id: ST373453FC

               type: direct access

               size: 0 Kbytes

   bytes per sector: 0

teossh1:root:/root>diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c10t1d0

SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c10t1d0:

             vendor: HP 73.4G

         product id: ST373453FC

               type: direct access

               size: 0 Kbytes

   bytes per sector: 0

The cstm output for those 2 disks:

78  1/0/4/1/ SCSI Disk (HP73.4GST37345 Information FAILED

86  1/0/4/1/ SCSI Disk (HP73.4GST37345 Information FAILED

No longer seeing ESM alerts in syslog. For some reason those went away.


Esteemed Contributor

Re: Disk Array Issue for Storageworks 2405


Considering the symptoms you described, there are a few potential causes for these issues. One possibility is a problem with the midplane of the disk array. The midplane is responsible for connecting the individual disk drives to the storage controller, and if it's faulty, it could result in the observed symptoms.

Another possibility is a problem with the SCSI interface or cables connecting the drives to the server. A loose or faulty SCSI cable could cause issues with drive recognition and result in zero disk space being reported.

To troubleshoot the issue further, you can perform the following steps:

* Ensure that all SCSI cables are securely connected and not damaged. Reseat the cables if necessary.

* Confirm that proper SCSI termination is in place. Ensure that termination is enabled on the last device in the SCSI chain.

* Ensure that the firmware on the disk drives is up to date.

* Utilize the HP-UX diagnostics tools,  to perform comprehensive diagnostics on the disk array and individual drives. Pay close attention to any error messages or failure indications during the diagnostics process.

Remember to back up any data before performing any troubleshooting steps to minimize the consiquence for losing data.

Additionally, it's worth noting that HP-UX 11.11 is quite an old operating system version. You may want to consider upgrading to a more recent version of HP-UX if possible, as it could provide improved compatibility, performance, and support for newer hardware.

These are my opinions so use it at your own risk.