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Do I need to, and how do I replace the standard snmpd with the one from Internet Express?

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Do I need to, and how do I replace the standard snmpd with the one from Internet Express?

Do I need to, and how do I replace the standard snmpd with the one from Internet Express?


I am thinking that the snmpd that comes with Internet Express may need to be used to replace that included with the OS.


 /# swlist -l file Net-SNMP |grep sbin/snmpd
  Net-SNMP.NET-SNMP-RUN: /opt/iexpress/net-snmp/sbin/snmpd


Is this correct? In other words, do I need to come up with a startup script that starts  /opt/iexpress/net-snmp/sbin/snmpd AND stop the the SNMP startup scripts* from running?


And if so, how exactly?


* the startup scripts, e.g.:

# find /sbin -name "*SnmpHpunix*"

Eric Herberholz