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EMS won't stop sending alerts

Vince Laurent
Respected Contributor

EMS won't stop sending alerts

A few days ago we got an EMS notice on a power supply.  HP came out and changed it out.  We still get alarms on the old issue.  How do we stop it?



Event Time..........: Thu Mar 20 02:50:50 2014
Severity............: CRITICAL
Monitor.............: ia64_corehw
Event #.............: 103001

     Power Supply : Failure is detected.




Event Details :

     Event Date  ...................: Mon Mar 17 13:49:07 2014
     Sensor Number .................: 0x41
     Sensor Type ...................: Power Supply


We are running HP-UX 11.31 on an RX6600.

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: EMS won't stop sending alerts

You  have to clear the EMS events.  Try this:


To show what EMS currently sees as down:


# /opt/resmon/bin/set_fixed -L


To clear all EMS "down" items:


# /opt/resmon/bin/set_fixed -n \*

Vince Laurent
Respected Contributor

Re: EMS won't stop sending alerts

@Patrick Wallek wrote:

To show what EMS currently sees as down:


# /opt/resmon/bin/set_fixed -L

When I did this, as suggested by another posting, there  was nothing "down" and nothing "cleared" and we got the message the next day anyway.