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Execute the command to reset all the cache bits.

James Crandall
New Member

Execute the command to reset all the cache bits.

I'm getting the following EMS notification and I just need to know how to "reset all the cache bits".

Thanks in advance -- James C.

>------------ Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ------------<

Notification Time: Thu May 17 07:32:10 2007

datatel1.shastacollege.edu sent Event Monitor notification information:

is >= 3.
Its current value is CRITICAL(5).

Event data from monitor:

Event Time..........: Thu May 17 07:32:10 2007
Severity............: CRITICAL
Monitor.............: fc60mon
Event #.............: 30
System..............: datatel1.shastacollege.edu

Disk Array at hardware path :
Array at hardware path 1/0/2/0/, path 1/0/4/0/ The
logical unit 31 has
the Cache Mirror Enable bit disabled.

Description of Error:

This event message is displayed when the Cache Mirror Enable
bit has been disabled.

Probable Cause / Recommended Action:

Execute the command to reset all the cache bits.

Additional Event Data&colon;
System IP Address...:
Event Id............: 0x464c676a00000001
Monitor Version.....: B.01.01
Event Class.........: I/O
Client Configuration File...........:
Client Configuration File Version...: A.01.01
Qualification criteria met.
Number of events..: 1
Associated OS error log entry id(s):
Additional System Data&colon;
System Model Number.............: 9000/800/rp7410
EMS Version.....................: A.03.20
STM Version.....................: A.31.00
Latest information on this event:

v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v D E T A I L S v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-v

Product/Device Data&colon;

Logger ID.........: (not available/applicable)
Product Identifier: (not available/applicable)
Product Qualifier.: (not available/applicable)
SCSI Target ID....: (not available/applicable)
SCSI LUN..........: (not available/applicable)

>---------- End Event Monitoring Service Event Notification ----------<



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