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Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

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Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

Hi All


We are going through some remediation tasks as part of a SAN switch migration project.

Some of our FC HBA drivers are out of date and need upgrading.


We currently have:


FibrChanl-00                          B.11.31.0903   FibreChannel;HW=A6795A,A5158A


but upgrading to:


FibrChanl-01                          B.11.31.1311   FibrChnl;HW=A6826A,A9782A,A9784A,AB378A/B,AB379A/B,AB465A,AD193A,AD194A,AD300A


So upon installing the latter version, the fcmsutil /dev/fcdx shows the upgraded driver version.




How does one revert if one has to?


I swremoved the latter version, leaving the older version (swlist showing only the older version), rebooted, and lost site of my HBAs, storage, etc.


root@labunix2 at / =>ioscan -fnCfc
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
fc 0 0/4/1/0 fcd UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN PCI-X SerialBus (10772422)
fc 1 0/4/1/1 fcd UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN PCI-X SerialBus (10772422)
root@labunix2 at / =>swlist | grep -i fib
FibrChanl-00 B.11.31.0903 FibreChannel;HW=A6795A,A5158A


I re-installed the new version again, rebooted, and it all came back.


My issue is I need to put a reversion plan together, ie how to re-instate the old driver version.





Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

You did not upgrade, these are different drivers for different cards!

FibrChanl-00 vs. FibrChanl-01


You can see the supported cards already in your first post.


IIRC FibrChanl-01 depends on FibrChanl-00, so update both drivers!

Hope this helps!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

I see.


OK, so on my test box, you can see I originally only had:


FibrChanl-00                          B.11.31.0903   FibreChannel;HW=A6795A,A5158A


Is there a later version of the above FibrChanl-00, ie later than 0903?


Storage was all visible with 00.


When I installed the later 01 version, both versions were installed in swlist.

Also fcmsutil showed the Driver version now being the 01 version.


So, when I removed 01, why didn't the HBA's revert back to using 00 after the reboot?

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3


You should never do a "swremove", just install the new version.
Depending on the options used you maybe corrupted the "old" driver.

Hope this helps!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

I never removed the old FC-00, just installed the new FC-01 version, and fcmsutil just showed the Driver using FC-01 after reboot.


SO, it's OK to 'upgrade' from FC00 to FC-01?


Is there any problem running both?


root@labunix2 at / =>swlist | grep -i fib

FibrChanl-00 B.11.31.0903 FibreChannel;HW=A6795A,A5158A
FibrChanl-01 B.11.31.1311 FibrChnl;HW=A6826A,A9782A,A9784A,AB378A/B,AB379A/B,AB465A,AD193A,AD194A,AD300A

root@labunix2 at / =>fcmsutil /dev/fcd1

Vendor ID is = 0x1077
Device ID is = 0x2422
PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x103C
PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x12D7
PCI Mode = PCI-X 133 MHz
ISP Code version = 5.6.5
ISP Chip version = 3
Link Speed = 4Gb
Local N_Port_id is = 0x034300
Previous N_Port_id is = None
N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000694b67
N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000694b66
Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x20430027f8c2cc2d
Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x10000027f8c2cc2d
N_Port Symbolic Port Name = labunix2_fcd1
N_Port Symbolic Node Name = labunix2_HP-UX_B.11.31
Driver state = ONLINE
Hardware Path is = 0/4/1/1
Maximum Frame Size = 2048
Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
NPIV Supported = YES
Driver Version = @(#) fcd B.11.31.1311 Nov 5 2013

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

As said, AFAIR the -01 driver requires the -00 driver as base.

It looks good now.

Hope this helps!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

Excellent, thank you.


If one cannot swremove, do you know how one would revert back to using the base 00 version, other than re-ignited from a make recovery tape?

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3

As far as I remember I never downgraded any driver in more than 15 years ... ;-)

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Honored Contributor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3



I think you are getting mixed up. what I think Torsten was triying to explain in the first post is that FibrChanl-01 is not and upgraded version of  FibrChanl-00, they are different versions for different model of cards



In your post you specified:

We currently have:


FibrChanl-00                          B.11.31.0903   FibreChannel;HW=A6795A,A5158A


So what you need to update the firmware/driver is a newer version of FibrChanl00(not FibrChanl01).


The latest version is:


HP-UX 11i v3 (B.11.31.1003)




If you need to downgrade just reinstall your old driver depot(you need the software):


FibrChanl-00                          B.11.31.0903

Windows?, no thanks
Regular Advisor

Re: Fibre Channel Driver Upgrading/Downgrading HP-UX 11iv3



We have fcd cards, as opposed to td's:


fc 2 0/0/6/1/0 fcd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB378-60101 4Gb Single Port PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter (FC Port 1)


Therefore I think FC-01 will be the correct version.



