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Re: First Name server not responding

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Sachin Patel
Honored Contributor

First Name server not responding

I have three nameserver line in resolv.conf. When first server goes down it waits for around 80Sec and gets the answer from second server. But when I do nslookup again it still trys the first nameserver.
If I am not mistaken, if first server not respond it should ask second server then second querie it should not ask first server again.
Does I need any extra step?

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Honored Contributor

Re: First Name server not responding


To the best of my knowledge, your nslookup will consistantly query the first name server until you change your resolve.conf file to do otherwise.

Your HP-UX system doesn't know when the 1st name server will be back up again, and will therefore continue to query it.

Hope this helps.

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Anthony Goonetilleke
Esteemed Contributor

Re: First Name server not responding

There are other keywords you can use in nsswitch.conf


dns [NOTFOUND=continue TRYAGAIN=continue]

you might want to use some of these
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