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ftp from 11iv3 servers crawling in lan

Respected Contributor

ftp from 11iv3 servers crawling in lan

Hi ,


We have two 11iv3 servers from which when we are trying ftp to each other , we are getting only 40MB/sec throughput.

What could be the issue, apart from lan card or switch side settings as we have checkd both of them are 1Gig .

Any filesystem level issue ?



P.S. This thread has been moved from HP-UX > System Administration to HP-UX > networking. - Hp Forum Moderator

Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: ftp from 11iv3 servers crawling in lan

Run lanadmin -g # (where # is the lan instance such as 0 for lan0)


The last half of the statistics must be all zeros (except Index).

All gigabit LANs must be set to autonegotiate and the switches must also be set to autonegotiate.

If you see errors, once you fix the problem, be sure to use lanadmin -c # to clear the counters.


NOTE: 40 MB/s is about 400 Mbits/sec which is 40% of the wire speed. That is a bit slower than expected but not exceptionally low. The wire speed can never be obtained for data throughput due to the overhead in the TCP/IP protocol, but a rule of thumb is about 75%-80% is acceptable performance.


Now this all assumes that you have a data center quality switch and not a cheap, unamanaged switch. And that the switch statistics for the two ports are normal (dropped packets, framing errors, etc = zero). You can bypass the switch and use a crossover cable to bypass the switch if necessary.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin