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Re: Granted permission to user

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Eugene Klaus
Frequent Advisor

Granted permission to user

Your description of the procedure is the steps
I followed, only the ultimate result was that
the user specified still recieved the message
that only root could access sam.

I apologize for not being more clear in the first message.
I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
Rajeev  Shukla
Honored Contributor

Re: Granted permission to user

Please dont post another thread for the same question

To configure restricted SAM access for users, you need to login as root and then run
#sam -r
then configure the access you want to give to the particular user.
Then login as that user and run SAM to verify the SAM access for that user.

Eugene Klaus
Frequent Advisor

Re: Granted permission to user

Sorry, again!

I followed the recomended steps to configure
a users rights to sam.

I currently have it working on two systems
with 10.20.

However, I have two other systems with 11.00 which seem to fail to set the correct permissions for the user to use sam and so when the user logs in with there id that get the message that they must be root to use sam.
I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
Rajeev  Shukla
Honored Contributor

Re: Granted permission to user

I have systems on 11.00 configured wit restricted sam and they work fine, other thing i guess is after you have set the restricted access for that user you need to save the privledges, i know its silly to ask but people forget sometimes.
Eugene Klaus
Frequent Advisor

Re: Granted permission to user

I have successfully granted access to one user already on the 11.00 system, however, the second user, fails to be granted access.
I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
Dennis E. James

Re: Granted permission to user

Might try:
As root; cd /etc/sam/custom you should see the login you have created the resticted sam for "loginid.cf" . Just copy that file to the new loginid with a .cf extention. You can then edit the file to match what access you would like that person to have. It works on our 11.00 systems.
Eugene Klaus
Frequent Advisor

Re: Granted permission to user


Thanks for the suggestion. Nice try no cigar!
The sam script is killed at line 222 when it tries to call rsam and gets an error 137.
I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep