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Re: H/W path of LAN and FIBER card in superdome 1

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H/W path of LAN and FIBER card in superdome 1

Hi All,


Hi All,


I want to understand the H/W path of LAN and FIBER card in superdome 1 with and without IO expansion unit if available, and below I will find output of parstatus and lanscan




Note: No action specified. Default behavior is display all.


   Complex Capacity

     Compute Cabinet (8 cell capable) : 2

   Active MP Location : cabinet 0

   Original Product Name : superdome server SD64B

   OEM Manufacturer :

   Complex Profile Revision : 1.0

   The total number of partitions present : 2

   GSM sharing : Disabled Complex-wide




                  Cabinet   I/O       Bulk Power  Backplane

                  Blowers   Fans      Supplies    Power Boards

                  OK/       OK/       OK/         OK/

Cab               Failed/   Failed/   Failed/     Failed/

Num Cabinet Type  N Status  N Status  N Status    N Status       MP

=== ============  ========= ========= ==========  ============   ======

0   8 cell slot   4/0/N+    5/0/N+    6/0/N+      2/0/N+         Active

1   8 cell slot   4/0/N+    5/0/N+    6/0/N+      2/0/N+         -


Notes: N+ = There are one or more spare items (fans/power supplies).

       N  = The number of items meets but does not exceed the need.

       N- = There are insufficient items to meet the need.

       ?  = The adequacy of the cooling system/power supplies is unknown.

       HO = Housekeeping only; The power is in a standby state.

       NA = Not Applicable.




                        CPU     Memory                                Use

                        OK/     (GB)                          Core    On

Hardware   Actual       Deconf/ OK/                           Cell    Next Par

Location   Usage        Max     Deconf    Connected To        Capable Boot Num

========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ==== ===

cab0,cell0 Active Core  8/0/8   64.0/0.0  cab0,bay1,chassis3  yes     yes  0

cab0,cell1 Active Base  8/0/8   48.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  0

cab0,cell2 Active Base  8/0/8   48.0/0.0  cab0,bay0,chassis1  yes     yes  0

cab0,cell3 Active Base  8/0/8   48.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  0

cab0,cell4 Active Core  8/0/8   64.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  1

cab0,cell5 Active Base  8/0/8   48.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  0

cab0,cell6 Active Base  8/0/8   80.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  1

cab0,cell7 Active Base  8/0/8   64.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  0

cab1,cell0 Active Base  8/0/8   80.0/0.0  cab1,bay1,chassis3  yes     yes  1

cab1,cell1 Active Base  8/0/8   80.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  1

cab1,cell2 Active Base  8/0/8   80.0/0.0  cab1,bay0,chassis1  yes     yes  1

cab1,cell3 Active Base  8/0/8   80.0/0.0  cab1,bay1,chassis1  yes     yes  1

cab1,cell4 Active Base  8/0/8   64.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  0

cab1,cell5 Active Base  8/0/8   64.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  1

cab1,cell6 Active Base  6/0/8   48.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  0

cab1,cell7 Active Base  8/0/8   64.0/0.0  -                   no      yes  1


Notes: * = Cell has no interleaved memory.




                                 Core Connected  Par

Hardware Location   Usage        IO   To         Num

=================== ============ ==== ========== ===

cab0,bay0,chassis0  Absent       -    -          -

cab0,bay0,chassis1  Active       -    cab0,cell2 0

cab0,bay0,chassis2  Absent       -    -          -

cab0,bay0,chassis3  Absent       -    -          -

cab0,bay1,chassis0  Absent       -    -          -

cab0,bay1,chassis1  Absent       -    -          -

cab0,bay1,chassis2  Absent       -    -          -

cab0,bay1,chassis3  Active       -    cab0,cell0 0

cab1,bay0,chassis0  Absent       -    -          -

cab1,bay0,chassis1  Active       -    cab1,cell2 1

cab1,bay0,chassis2  Absent       -    -          -

cab1,bay0,chassis3  Absent       -    -          -

cab1,bay1,chassis0  Absent       -    -          -

cab1,bay1,chassis1  Active       -    cab1,cell3 1

cab1,bay1,chassis2  Absent       -    -          -

cab1,bay1,chassis3  Active       -    cab1,cell0 1




Par              # of  # of I/O

Num Status       Cells Chassis  Core cell  Partition Name (first 30 chars)

=== ============ ===== ======== ========== ===============================

0   Active       8     2        cab0,cell0 Partition 0 - UX

1   Active       8     3        cab0,cell4 Partition 1 - UX



[Partition - HyperThread]

Par Num      Hyperthreading Enabled  Hyperthreading Active

=======      ======================  =====================

0            yes                     yes

1            yes                     yes




Hardware Station        Crd Hdw   Net-Interface  NM  MAC       HP-DLPI DLPI

Path     Address        In# State NamePPA        ID  Type      Support Mjr#

8/0/0/1/0 0x000CFC003860 0   UP    lan0 snap0     1   ETHER     Yes     119

8/0/13/1/0/6/0 0x001A4B0AD23C 8   UP    lan8 snap8     2   ETHER     Yes     119

8/0/13/1/0/6/1 0x001A4B0AD23D 9   UP    lan9 snap9     3   ETHER     Yes     119

11/0/10/1/0 0x001A4B098F1E 24  UP    lan24 snap24   4   ETHER     Yes     119

8/0/8/1/0 0x000CFC0031A6 7   UP    lan7 snap7     5   ETHER     Yes     119

11/0/10/1/1 0x001A4B098F1F 25  UP    lan25 snap25   6   ETHER     Yes     119

LinkAgg0 0x000000000000 900 DOWN  lan900 snap900 8   ETHER     Yes     119

LinkAgg1 0x000000000000 901 DOWN  lan901 snap901 9   ETHER     Yes     119

LinkAgg2 0x000000000000 902 DOWN  lan902 snap902 10  ETHER     Yes     119

LinkAgg3 0x000000000000 903 DOWN  lan903 snap903 11  ETHER     Yes     119

LinkAgg4 0x000000000000 904 DOWN  lan904 snap904 12  ETHER     Yes     119



#ioscan -fnC fc

Class     I  H/W Path        Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description


fc        3  8/0/10/1/0      fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB378-60101      4Gb Single Port PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter (FC Port 1)


fc        4  8/0/13/1/0/4/0  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 1)


fc        5  8/0/13/1/0/4/1  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD194-60001      PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel 2-port 4Gb FC/2-port 1000B-T Combo Adapter (FC Port 2)


Acclaimed Contributor

Re: H/W path of LAN and FIBER card in superdome 1



# olrad -q


this will list a table with I/O slot and h/w path.


The h/w path is





From your example




is the I/O connected to cell 8 (first cell in cab 1) in slot 9.


Hope this helps!

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