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help with B2_FLAGS in block driver

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help with B2_FLAGS in block driver

Iam currently looking at the B2_FLAGS for the scsi block driver and need a little understanding on the various options.The file /usr/include/sys/buf.h has valid options as B2_MORE,B2_LIST,B2_NOMERGE,B2_FIRST,B2_CHAIN,B2_REMAPPED.Do any of these flags specify that the buffers are being sent as a link list to the block driver by filesystem.Like for a large I/O,can the I/O be split into a link list of buffers and each buffer has B2_LIST flag set and is sent down seperately to the block driver by the filesystem.And then the block driver traverses through the list and schedules the I/O in-order.This is because I need to make sure the buffers are sent to the disk in order for a filter driver Iam working on.Hope Iam making it clear.Any information will be helpful.




P.S. This thread has been moved from Disk to HP-UX > sysadmin. -Hp Forum Moderator