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how can i create an ftp user that is restricted to a subdirectory tree?

Occasional Contributor

how can i create an ftp user that is restricted to a subdirectory tree?

i would like to create a user that only has ftp access (no shell) and can upload and download files within a subdirectory tree.


for example, say i have a directory /xyz/client and within i have /xyz/data/client_1, /xyz/data/client_2 etc...


the ftp user should be able to upload and download files anywhere after /xyz/client.  if i add /xyz/client_3 directory later on, the user should be able to upload and downfile files to that directory aswell.


in short, the user will only have access to /xyz/client and beyond with the ability to upload and download files.


if someone can guide me in the right direction i will greatly appreciate it.


i am on hpux 11i v2.

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: how can i create an ftp user that is restricted to a subdirectory tree?

> i am on hpux 11i v2.

   I have 11.31, but these things should be similar.  But it's been a
long time since I did this, so I know nothing.  But, ...

> i would like to create a user that only has ftp access (no shell) and
> can upload and download files within a subdirectory tree.

   You may not be the first person with such a requirement.  A Forum (or
Web) search for keywords like, say:
      ftp chroot guest
should find many examples, such as:


   The "no shell" part is done by specifying "/bin/false" as the shell
for the new user.

   The "within a subdirectory tree" part is done by making the new user
an FTP "guest" user, which tells ftpd to do a chroot(), providing the
desired file system isolation.


      man ftpd
      man ftpaccess

   I can't vouch for the posted list(s) of run-time libraries and so on
required in the new user's usr/lib directory, but I dimly recall seeing
some helpful error messages in some log file somewhere when something is
missing.  (After the chroot() to the guest user's pseudo-root directory,
the normal /usr/bin and /usr/lib aren't there, so you need to create and
populate a new, guest-specific [/]usr directory with enough stuff to get
"ls" to work, assuming that you want the guest FTP user to be able to
get a directory listing.)  Possibly useful:

      ldd /usr/bin/ls

    For experimentation, you can do chroot() interactively, and fiddle
around until "ls" works that way.

      man 1m chroot

   This may be good enough to get started.  Re-inquire when it all goes