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How to make ports into listening

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How to make ports into listening


Hi Experts,


 In my environment we have Hp-UX 11.31 . Now we need to take few tcp ports(3210,3310,3610,4710,4810) into listening situation, but we can't. Can u please suggest me how to do this. /etc/services file have these all ports.


Thanks in advance...........

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: How to make ports into listening

No idea what services you talk about, but behind such port must be a special daemon or even inetd listening who knows how to handle incoming requests.

Hope this helps!

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Re: How to make ports into listening

I beleive "lsof" will help. It will show you all the sockets (along with port number) owned by all the processes running on the system. Then, you'll know who owns the port(s).


Sorry but I have to go very soon and have no time to tell you how to get "lsof". Hope you'll find it from Internet yourself.


Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: How to make ports into listening

>have no time to tell you how to get lsof


lsof is here:
