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HP Support Center: HP-UX software

Valued Contributor

HP Support Center: HP-UX software

The HPSC web site has continued to degrade to where finding something simple like OpenSSL or sudo or SSH return no results. Does anyone have a usable link to the free HP-UX software section?

Or has the dismantlement of all things HP-UX already started?

Yes, I have a Passport login but it seems that the free software for HP-UX has been removed. I couldn't even find the word patch or firmware. I did find free software as a product category but it has an unsearchable listing of 700 items. And using the browser search, no ssh, ssl, sudo, drivers, etc... aren't found.

Anyone have a roadmap to the free software


Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

I've been out of HPE for over 12 months now, but the mechanism for getting this sort of software doesn't seem to have changed:

  1. Go to https://myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/ and login
  2. Click on the software Link on the left-hand navigation bar
  3. Search for the software you want. I found copies of openssl and ssh easily. For sudo I had to remember that it was part of the HP-UX Internet Express software package. Searching for "sudo" turned up nothing, but searching for "internet express" turned up the package.

Note I have no support contract connected to my HPE account. I did not check whether these are the "latest" versions... I doubt HPE will continue to update these unless there is a serious security issue to address. 

Hope that helps,



Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

Oh, and just to add, I think HP-UX patches are here:


As I have no support contract, I can't see them, though (I get an "insufficient authorization" message.)

Valued Contributor

Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

This link for patches works just fine.

Valued Contributor

Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

Still can't find ssh, ssl or Perl

System Recommended

Query: HP Support Center: HP-UX software



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Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

The 3 links provided all worked OK a few days ago.
Two of the links (OpenSSL and Perl) still work.
But now the SSH (Secure Shell) link shows this message:



Product Not Found or is no longer active


Can anyone in HPE explain this error?
Or is there an active project to remove HP-UX software before the End-Of-Support date this year?

I'm still looking for the link that can find Internet-Express items, lsof, rsync, tusc, etc.

I used this link once before:  https://myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/cwp-ui/free-software
but it removes "free-" and redirects to https://myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/cwp-ui/software

This link is says it finds 705 items:  https://myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/cwp-ui/software
NOTE: Must view full-screen to see all the items (next page tag is at the bottom)

But the page is not searchable and scrolling to the bottom only shows a handful of products.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin

Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

I don't understand why the search function doesn't work for you, Bill. When I navigate to the software link on the right-hand side, I end up here:


and can then search on the term "ssh", which then takes me to this download page:


This appears to be a new release in the last few days - I guess when a new release comes out, the old link stops working? 

For the other software mentioned - I can see downloads for lsof and rsync in the Internet Express downloads here:


I can't recall tusc ever being part of Intenet Express - I always got my version from the HP-UX Porting & Archive Centre:


Although whether the software is still maintained I have no idea (no updates since 2017 suggests maybe not?)



Valued Contributor

Re: HP Support Center: HP-UX software

I tried Chrome and Frefox.
The Software search page cannot find "ssh"

If I use this link from the 3 suggested earlier, I get the "Product not found" message.
However, your link does indeed show the newer version dated May-2024

I finally found all 705 packages by leaving the Search box empty.
And by maximizing the page size, the layout changed dramatically.
The bottom of the 705 packages results now shows additional page numbers.
And I was able to use a browser search to find ssh.

So there's some maintenance going on.
Hopefully the HP-UX packages will remain intact for the future (unlike 10.20 and 11.00).