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HPUX system crashed & it's not booting

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Occasional Advisor

HPUX system crashed & it's not booting

Hi all,


I was upgrading yesterday HPUX 11iv2 to 11iv3 on HP rx2660 server.

Today, i was installing patches required to upgrade to oracle 11gr2.

After doing the swinstall command for the depot folder with restart set to true.

The system shut down and didn't reboot again.

I tried to boot from the dvd for system recovery.

I was getting " SAS driver at 0/1/1/0 (/dev/sasd1) : Driver fault has occured, a firmware dump will be taken and the HBA will be reset."


even when i did # ioscan, i couldn't see the internal disks.

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: HPUX system crashed & it's not booting

It may be that your SAS firmware is too old for HP-UX 11iv3 or too old for a driver patch that was installed.


At this point you should probably restore the system, via Ignite probably, so that you can reboot again.  Once that has been done check you SAS driver versio nby running:


/opt/sas/bin/sasmgr get_info -D /dev/sasd0


If the "Firmware Revision" line show anything prior to then you need to update the firmware before proceeding further.


Check out the following documents:


HP SAS Host Bus Adapter Support Matrix



Updating Internal SAS Controller Firmware to Version 1.23.33 Or Later-HP-UX 11i v2 and 11i v3


Occasional Advisor

Re: HP system crashed & it's not booting

I thought at first it was a firmware issue with the SAS controller. The server has 5 Serial scsi disks, 2 are configured as RAID 1 for the OS & 3 other disks.

I noticed when i was trying to boot the server, that the two RAID 1 disks were not blinking.

I powered off the server & removed the power cable. Then, I removed the 2 disks from their slots & placed them in another free slots on the server.

I powered back the server & everything was fine again.


But thanks for the help Patrick.