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Issue with mounting SERVER:...recovery/archives/CLIENT is causing make_net_recovery to fail.

Occasional Contributor

Issue with mounting SERVER:...recovery/archives/CLIENT is causing make_net_recovery to fail.



I have a very strange set of issues with NFS mounts, that are preventing IGNITE from doing it's thing. For some reason, I am able to mount /var/opt/ignite/clients with no problems, but I can't mount /var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives/CLIENT. And, the mount is hanging, rather that failing.


When I try a temporary, manual mount I have the same issue. I can, for example

# mount SERVER:/export /mnt

No problems. But when I

# mount SERVER:/var/opt/ignite/recovery/archives/CLIENT /mnt

I have no luck. The command runs, and the server sees the mount as successful (entry written to syslog by mountd), but the client does not return. I have to cancel the mount attempt with ctrl-C, and kill the orphaned mount -Fnfs process.


I actually did a tcpdump of the mount attempts(s) and it's attached below. I examined it in Wireshark, and it shows that there is a problem with it, but I can't interperet what it means. It shows that for some reason there is an error, or delay, in the NFS lookup or... something. The server is, the client is I wonder if I don't have problems with filesystems on the server, or something; but everything looks just fine.


Any bright ideas would be appreciated.

CLIENT is a BL870i2. It's an IVM/vPars host, but that should be neither here nor there. It's interface is a hp_apa in failover mode. Each side of the failover has 1GB, interface shows as 1GB. I am also having similar troubles with same of the IVM guests.

SERVER is an rx2800i2, It's interface is a plain 1GB LOM interface, no failover. The tcpdump was captured from here, because there was something strange about tcpdump on the CLIENT (to do with promiscuous network mode, possibly because of the failover config).


Both hosts are B.11.31.1303


Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Issue with mounting SERVER:...recovery/archives/CLIENT is causing make_net_recovery to fail.

APA is quite difficult to use with Ignite.

Here are some details:




Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Occasional Contributor

Re: Issue with mounting SERVER:...recovery/archives/CLIENT is causing make_net_recovery to fail.


I think in this case that this isn't the same as the problem I have. The problem is with NFS mounts when I have sec=sys,rw=CLIENT specified.

I'm able to replicate the behaviour with a manual mount of an arbitary share with those options. More that a bit annoying.

