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J5600 - MirrorDisk - Online JFS

Occasional Advisor

J5600 - MirrorDisk - Online JFS

I've a J5600 WS with 4 disks. I'm busy to purchase the license for Mirror disk and OnlineJFS for this type of WS. I have already these licences for L1000 servers in my lab. When I try to test if it work on J5600WS with the application CD (+codeword) for L1000. I don't see the Mirror Dsik and OnlineJFS on the media so not able to install it on the J5600 WS.
Are these SW compatible with J5600 WS or do I need to wait until I receive new SW + codeword for J5600 WS ?
Thanks beforehands.


P.S. This thread has been moved from Disk to HP-UX > sysadmin. -HP Forum Moderator

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: J5600 - MirrorDisk - Online JFS


for HP-UX version 11.00 and 11.11 the software for servers and workstations is the same. To be legal, you need a license for each system. The software is usually on the first application disk.

Hope this helps!

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Occasional Advisor

Re: J5600 - MirrorDisk - Online JFS

Thanks. You're right the Mirror disk and online JFS is on the first disk. I'm aware that I need a legal license, I'm working with my HP local support for that. Wat I'm trying to do is test if it works using application CD from a server I have. If I try to use the codeword for the first CD, I don't see the Mirror disk and the OnlineJFS software on it. So I suspect that I need a new codeword...
Honored Contributor

Re: J5600 - MirrorDisk - Online JFS

Yes you would need new codeword and new application CD.

Eventhough , the product is same for servers and workstations, there is separate licensing for servers and workstations and for models 800 and 700 boxes.
Occasional Advisor

Re: J5600 - MirrorDisk - Online JFS

Thanks for the response.
It was very helpfull.

So I will purchase a license for my WS.