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kernel rebuild - config fails with -71

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Andy Holt
Occasional Advisor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71

Pete, with your ITRC Pharaoh hat on, how sure are you about that 'mv' solution? Sounds easy! But recovering if it doesn't work sounds HARD! :-)

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71


To be on the safe side use copy. The /stand/vmunix is suspect but you may want to copy it (if you have enough room) to /stand/vmunix.bad or something. Then just "cp /stand/vmunix.prev /stand/vmunix" and re-boot. If you have problems during the boot you can always go back to /stand/vmunix.bad.


Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71


If you're going to suggest a command mode kernel rebuild, please provide a complete procedure.

/usr/lbin/sysadm/system_prep -s system
mk_kernel -s system


shutdown -ry now

If you have troubles, and I think you do, you'll get a good error message to send to support. This is a good reason to have a software contract btw, the guys/(ladies, I've yet to get one on a kernel problem) who handle this are really sharp, will stay up all night with you if need be.

I'd wonder if perhaps you double installed the LITS(Line in the sand) patch PHKL_18543. If so, you're gonna lose a lot of sleep. I have successfully recovered WITHOUT reloading the operating system from that issue.

I also once let a hardware patch bundle corrupt my system file, which generated similar but not duplicate results. As you see, I didn't know about this forum then and learned things the hard way.

Follow the instructions above to back up the old kernel. If /stand is short on space, I think you can get away with storing the kernel on a vxfs filesystem, but you can't boot off that.

I will assume that the kmtune kernel changes are already done otherwise why would he be getting the error.

To recover from a bad kernel;

go to the console, interupt the boot

hpux /stand/vmunix.prev or whatever you named the kernel on backukp.

Please forgive me for typo's or omissions. I tried to be complete.
Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Jochen Heuer
Respected Contributor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71

Hi Andy,

to be an the safe side I would make a backup of the 'working' vmunix.prev before trying to make a kernel again (just copy *.prev to *.good).

Personally I would just boot from the alternate kernel as Pete has described (ISL> ....).

If you want to find lots of useful information about kernel generation and have access to the knowledge trees check the Software Recovery Handbook - Chapter 9:

Well, yeah ... I suppose there's no point in getting greedy, is there?
Andy Holt
Occasional Advisor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71

Thanks all.

Remember, my current kernel isn't bad, neither is my previous one.

No-one has yet agreed with my guess that it's a lack of static memory that is preventing the rebuild working.

Anyway, I'll swap the kernel files and reboot.

I'll let you know whether it worked, or if I instead had to run out the door quickly.

Andy Holt
Occasional Advisor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71

Yeh! Rebooting after moving the vmunix files around worked fine, I now have my 64MB maxdsiz back.

Again, thanks all for the very quick feedback.
Jochen Heuer
Respected Contributor

Re: kernel rebuild - config fails with -71

If you boot your old kernel and building a new kernel is successful then you will know ... (at least if that was the only change done :-))
Well, yeah ... I suppose there's no point in getting greedy, is there?