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Re: Look who snuck into the dunes: Ivan Ferreira

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John Collier
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Look who snuck into the dunes: Ivan Ferreira


You deserve this promotion as much as anybody else (and more than some).

Nice to see such a wide range of knowledge come from a single person. Let's me know that I am not alone on the jack-of-all-trades front. {insert sigh of relief here}

I personally want to thank you for all the help you have given me in the Linux forums as of late. I swill owe you a bunny or two over there as we speak!

Here is hoping that you will be able to keep sharing your vast amount of knowledge with the rest of us for a LONG time to come!

Enjoy your trip through the Dunes. Just watch out for the scorpions. I hear that they are bad this time of year...
"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." Stephen Krebbet, 1793-1855
Trusted Contributor

Re: Look who snuck into the dunes: Ivan Ferreira

Hi Ivan,

It appears to be that you have a very wide knowledge angle. Keep up the good job.
Congratulations with your new hat. Enjoy and keep it nice and shiny!



Nothing is more successfull as failure
Eric Antunes
Honored Contributor

Re: Look who snuck into the dunes: Ivan Ferreira

Buenas hombre!

Congratulations for reaching the dunes with so many different contributions areas.

I shall join you soon (I hope)...

PS: arriba, arriba!

Best Regards,

Eric Antunes
Each and every day is a good day to learn.