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make file system as home dir?

Super Advisor

make file system as home dir?

Hi All!


I am trying to create a user, and make its home directory as an existing file system ( 1Tb), but so far I am unable to do that, it comes with the following error:

'xyz/' is not a valid directory

 Please can have some help!

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: make file system as home dir?

Not really sure what you are doing, but you probably need to specify the full path to the mounted filesystem, e.g.



Hope this helps!

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Super Advisor

Re: make file system as home dir?


I have already created a user, but right now its home dir is /home/userX, but when I use the usermod command this is what happening:

 #usermod -d xyz/ userX
'xyz/' is not a valid directory


Super Advisor

Re: make file system as home dir?

its now came right, I did the following:


usermod -d /xyz userX

