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Memory and Swap issues

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Re: Memory and Swap issues


Clay, you can see ipcs output in an earlier reply.

After vmstat -z command, I haven't found po greater than zero anymore (I have executed vmstat several times).

I have another question: bufpages=nbuf*2 and nbuf=0 currently, how can I guess nbuf value according to server configuration ?

Thanks, Rafael.
Honored Contributor

Re: Memory and Swap issues

My question for Clay.

If nbuf and bufpages both are set non-zero, then how cache is calculated??
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A. Clay Stephenson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Memory and Swap issues

In almost every case, the default behavior with nbuf set to zero is fine. I would set bufpages as I mentioned earlier and leave nbuf=0.
If it ain't broke, I can fix that.
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Re: Memory and Swap issues

Re: Memory and Swap issues

Thank you everybody. The memory and swap usage is really hard to understand in HP-UX, but it's more clear for me now.


Rafael GZ.