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Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

Kennedy G. Doss
Regular Advisor

Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

Fellow ADMINS:


I have been adding memory and CPUs to HPVM Guests in the past and am quiet familiar with it. However, I do not remember how to add a virtual HBA to a guest. I need to add HBAs and a few disks to a guest. Can you please guide me?


I see from the man page that the option -a is used for it. How do I view the virtual IOs? I see a command hpvmresources in man page to view the free resources - but, I dont find the command on the server by itself. How do I proceed? Any input from your end would  be most appreciated.


These are the commands that I have been using in the past and have worked for adding CPUs and Memory.

# hpvmstop -P SERVERNAME
# hpvmmodify -P SERVERNAME -r 12G
# hpvmmodify -P SERVERNAME -c 4
# hpvmstart -P SERVERNAME

Dave Olker

Re: Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

I assume you're running either v4.3 with the January patch kit or v6.1 since those are the only Integrity VM versions that support NPIV.  The instructions for adding NPIV vHBAs are included in the v6.1 Admin Guide found here:




There are also NPIV white papers on that site that cover this as well.



I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

hpvmresources is not a command. It's a man page which describes resource specifications that can be used

in hpvm commands like hpvmmodify or hpvmcreate.


So you would do:

hpvmmodify -P vmXY -a <resource>

where resource is statement from hpvmresources page.

So for example:

hpvmodify -P vmXY -a hba:aviostor:,,0x...,0x....:npiv:/dev/fcd3



I work for HPE
Kennedy G. Doss
Regular Advisor

Re: Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

Excellent. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a billion Stan/HTH.

Kennedy G. Doss
Regular Advisor

Re: Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

Thanks a lot, Dave.

Kennedy G. Doss
Regular Advisor

Re: Need to add couple of Virtual HBAs

HP Admins:


When I add disks to a HPVM Guest, I check if the the disks that are being added to the guest are free and available by running:


a) hpvmdevinfo

b) strings /etc/lvmtab


I run both the above commands on the HPVM Host.


If the disks that are being added to the guest are not in the outputs of the above commands is it safe to assume that they are free and available? Any other suggestions? Is this fool-proof enough?


