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NFS maximum file system size?

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Michael Lampi
Trusted Contributor

Re: NFS maximum file system size?

The largest NFS file system size that can be mounted under HP-UX 10.x or 11.x is not an issue. The directory structure is only partially cached on the client side, and cached as necessary on the file server side. Since the file server is where the file system actually exists, whatever limitations that file server has for file system sizes is the limit for the NFS volumes that it can export.

So, what is the problem you are running into?
A journey of 1000 steps ends in a mile.
A. Daniel King_1
Super Advisor

Re: NFS maximum file system size?

No problem ... yet. I'd like to avoid having one. So, I ask.

I also wonder, are there limits as to how many nfs file systems can be mounted?
Command-Line Junkie
Trusted Contributor

Re: NFS maximum file system size?

Hi Daniel, do you mean maximum file system types or maximum export points one time?

A. Daniel King_1
Super Advisor

Re: NFS maximum file system size?

Maximum export/mount points. Sorry if this was unclear.
Command-Line Junkie