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Re: NFS mount on 11.31 Itanium


NFS mount on 11.31 Itanium

I want to nfs mount a Oracle dvd from a 11.11 system to a 11.31 Itanium system.

I mounted the DVD on a 11.11 system using the following:

mount -F cdfs -o ro,noauto /dev/dsk/c8t1d0 /cdrom

When I nfs mount on any 11.11 system I can remotely read the contents of the DVD.

When I nfs mount on the 11.31 system I CAN'T remotely read the contents of the DVD.

The command "ls -l" remains indefinitely in hang until I press CTRL-C keys combination.

What's wrong?
Michal Kapalka (mikap)
Honored Contributor

Re: NFS mount on 11.31 Itanium


could you please post how did you expoortted the NFS share ( DVD ) on the Hp-UX 11.31.

Rita C Workman
Honored Contributor

Re: NFS mount on 11.31 Itanium

What you did is fine, but this is a known issue.

Now if you really want to have a laugh...even though you can't see the DVD on your 11.31 host - it is possible that the system can see it. I had a similar when I mounted DVD on my 11.11 workstation and tried to install to 11.31 host. I ran the command even though I couldn't see the NFS f/s mounts - surprised me when it actually ran installed the software on the 11.31 host.

Take a look at this thread:



Re: NFS mount on 11.31 Itanium

the /etc/exports for the DVD is:

/cdrom -ro

and then exportfs -a