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Re: NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface

Honored Contributor

NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface


An NFS Server, server exports an NFS filesystem called /ignitebkp to an NFS client, client.  Share rw access & mount access are given to client only.  


The client has a primary interface (lan26) and multiple virtual interfaces (Yes, service guard packages).  



mount permission denied on client.  On examining the mountd.log on server, I see that the requests to mount are coming from the virtual interface and not from the IP address of client.  How can I get the client to send the request for mount and all future access through its primary interface which actually resolves to client in DNS?

practice makes a man perfect!!!
Dave Olker

Re: NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface

Are you saying there are multiple IP interfaces on the same subnet?  If not, this is a matter of selecting the proper NFS server IP address that routes through the appropriate client interface. If your NFS client has numerous IP interfaces on the same subnet, that gets a little trickier to force the client to send using a specific interface.  


If you want the client to send mount requests using the primary IP address of the interface you can try experimenting with the kctune parameter ip_strong_es_model. A setting of 2 might give you the behavior you're looking for.



I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface

Hi Dave.


Thanks for your reply.  


Yes, I have multiple interfaces (one physical & many virtual) which are on the same subnet.  These virtual interfaces are my service guard package IP addresses.  


From your reply, it looks like a common behavior.  I would like to know who & what determines which IP address should send the mount request.  Meanwhile, I will do some study on ip_strong_es_model and will test it.  


But, I am curious to know if this random selection is a known behavior.




practice makes a man perfect!!!
Dave Olker

Re: NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface

Naveej.K.A wrote: 

But, I am curious to know if this random selection is a known behavior.

I very much doubt this is a "random" selection.  More likely it is selecting the best interface to use based on the IP routing tables.  You can verify this by examining the routing tables via "netstat -rn".  You can also manipulate the routing tables to try to get the preferred interface used during NFS mounts, though I would first experiment with ip_strong_es_model.



I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Re: NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface

Dave, Thanks for following up.


Well, I have a default gateway for the entire subnet.  Both the physical & the virtual interface are on the same subnet, so I guess the routing information is not being used to pick up which interface the client must use.  


To make it clear.   client       client.domain.com  ---> plumbed on lan26   client6      client6.domain.com ---> plumbed on lan26:4   server       server.domain.com



client & server resolve to the hostname in DNS.  whereas, client6 is my package name.  The request for mount is going from client6instead of client.  


I can give access permission in my dfstab for client6, but the whole thing will break when my package moves from client toanotherclient.

practice makes a man perfect!!!
Rajesh K Chaurasia
Valued Contributor

Re: NFS mount requests going though the Virtual Interface

Not sure if this HP-UX routing gray paper (NOT an official HP document) could be of some help in routing in multi-homed environments.




