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Re: No mail from cron

Occasional Contributor

No mail from cron

Thanks (Dan & all)
I tried redirecting (stdout and stderr) to a file (as in 'command > /tmp/file 2>&1')
The file isn't empty after job completion, therefore it should have been emailed without redirection. But still no mail. The latest patch is already installed.
Thanks guys for your help.

Best Regards

Intelligent people ask question, Others wait silently.
Dan Hetzel
Honored Contributor

Re: No mail from cron

Hi Fouad,

Do you have any message in /var/adm/cron/log ?
Is sendmail working on your system ?
Check if you have messages left in /var/spool/mqueue or any sendmail related message in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

Best regards,

Everybody knows at least one thing worth sharing -- mailto:dan.hetzel@wildcroft.com
Carlos Fernandez Riera
Honored Contributor

Re: No mail from cron

You have another reply on the other thread.

maybe your script do not start by a execution perms. question?.

Occasional Contributor

Re: No mail from cron

The problem is solved. Refer to the thread "no mail from crontab"
Intelligent people ask question, Others wait silently.