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Good day,

The following file /tmp/nwmgr_apa.log is getting big. I searched the internet and found there is an issue with the follwoing version B.11.31.30 and I have to update to B.11.31.40 to fix the issue.


But update need repoot. Can I disable APA? I think there is no network aggregation on my server.

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.
Valued Contributor

Re: nwmgr_apa.log

You can stop APA services like this:

/sbin/init.d/hpapa stop

Unfortunately, the APA start/stop script does not follow the standards for rc scripts so there is no option in the /etc/rc.config.d scripts to not run APA at boot up.


So to prevent APA code from starting at bootup, I rename the hpapa start/stop links in the rc scheduling directories. The links can be found with:

# find /sbin | grep hpapa
# ll /sbin/rc2.d/S337hpapa
lrwxrwxrwx 1 bin  bin 18 Apr 10  2013 /sbin/rc2.d/S337hpapa -> /sbin/init.d/hpapa

The first is the actual rc script in init.d, and the 2nd is a sorting link pointing to the hpapa script. Because the init.d script does not have a proper start/stop interface, you need to disable the rc2.d link. I rename the symlink like this:

# cd /sbin/rc2.d
# mv S337hpapa __S337hpapa

Now the link will not be scheduled during reboot as it does not start with the letter S.


This is one of several bad rc scripts that do not follow HP-UX start/stop coding standards.

By renaming their links with leading '__' characters, I can find them easily:

# find /sbin | grep __

Now some of these items may be used on your system so don't blindly rename the rc links without checking to see if you need the service. All of these items were selected based on the start time delay (slows down bootup) or that it is simply not used and wastes time on reboot.

Frequent Advisor

Re: nwmgr_apa.log

Check if the apa is configured or not on your server using nwmgr -S apa  command.


if it configured and in use you should see the lans in up state of your netstat -in command.



Acclaimed Contributor

Re: nwmgr_apa.log

The command


# nwmgr -S apa


will show you if you have APA interfaces configured.

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Super Advisor

Re: nwmgr_apa.log


This is the output of above command. How can I stop this log without update the package

# nwmgr -S apa

Class Mode Load Speed- Membership

Instance Balancing Duplex

======== =========== ========= ==================== ===========================

lan900 Not_Enabled LB_MAC 0 Mbps -

lan901 Not_Enabled LB_MAC 0 Mbps -

lan902 Not_Enabled LB_MAC 0 Mbps -

lan903 Not_Enabled LB_MAC 0 Mbps -

lan904 Not_Enabled LB_MAC 0 Mbps -
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