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Odd messages in syslog.log

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Andrew Crowe_1
Occasional Advisor

Odd messages in syslog.log

I am getting the following messages in the syslog

May 3 14:23:45 wsherp1 vmunix: file: table is full
May 3 14:23:45 wsherp1 last message repeated 5 times
May 3 14:25:45 wsherp1 vmunix: file: table is full
May 3 14:25:45 wsherp1 last message repeated 15 times

This is coinciding with remote logins unable to login. Is it a coincidence? anything to worry about?

I would be very grateful for any help


Vincenzo Restuccia
Honored Contributor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

Paul Murray_1
Frequent Advisor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

You must increase the size of nfile in your kernel.

Basically, you are running out of system table space which controls the number of open
files you can have on the system at one time.

This is probably happening when the system tries to respond to rlogin requests.
Just remember, nobody knows everything !!
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

Hi Andrew:

This indicates that the maximum nmber of files system-wide have been opened. The kernel parameter 'nfile' controls this. 'nfile' sets the limit for all processes on a system.

You can use 'glance' to monitor 'nfile' utilization. 'sar -v' is also useful to track this.

To increase 'nfile' you will need to regenerate your kernel (with SAM). I suggest that you increase the value of the parameter 'maxusers' as this is used to calculate 'nfile'.

For more information, see:


Andrew Crowe_1
Occasional Advisor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

Thanks so far. As sar is not configured I don't know how to check.
I'm also very nervous about re-configuring the kernel as I have not done it before.

I have to go for today but I will check answers tomorrow and award points.

Thank you very for your help.
Paul Murray_1
Frequent Advisor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log


As James states above, SAM is definately the easiest way to re-configure a kernel - however, do not trust SAM to take copies of the existing version for you - make sure you take a copy manually.

Just remember, nobody knows everything !!
Paul Murray_1
Frequent Advisor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log


Please can you post details of the OS etc you are running, as the steps required to re-configure your kernel can vary slightly from version to version.

AND, don't worry about reconfiguring a kernel - it's not as scary as it sounds !!!

Just remember, nobody knows everything !!
Andrew Crowe_1
Occasional Advisor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

Me again...sar -v is configured. I just need to remember put parameters in!!!
I am going to try the change in the morning, then I will give points.

Thank You again
Pedro Sousa
Honored Contributor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

Has JRF said, you should increase maxusers kernel parameter, consequently it will increase nfile and nproc.

Increasing nfile you're increasing the number of system file table entries. This allows the system to have more open files at one time. Each system file table entry will use 28 bytes of memory. As this is memory limited, you have to be carefull. Just to give you an idea, I have an old workstation C160 with 1Gb of memory and the kernel parameter nfile with the value 3000.

good luck.
Andrew Crowe_1
Occasional Advisor

Re: Odd messages in syslog.log

Thank You all very much. I am indebted to you. I will buy you all a virtual pint.

I have amended the kernel and it has worked.

