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Re: problems with automount

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Super Advisor

problems with automount

I have installed the patch in the attached file and from that automount stopped working. Using NIS. Before the installation automount works perfectly. Now when a user enters to this ws he has the following message:
Unable to change to home your directory....
It is not also possible to mount a remote area of another ws. If i user ypwhich command the client points to a slave, and with ypwhich -m all services points to nis master server.
The /etc/automount is configured. I don't know what to do... I wonder if there is a patch that resolves this problem or one that must be installed after the patch i previously installed. OS hpux 10.20, workstation Visualize C3000.
Thanks Tarek
Super Advisor

Re: problems with automount

sorry the /etc/auto_master
Dan Hetzel
Honored Contributor

Re: problems with automount

Hi Tarek,

I think you should install the latest s700_800 10.20 NFS/NIS cumulative megapatch (PHNE_22288) as it solves quite a few automount issues.


Best regards,

Everybody knows at least one thing worth sharing -- mailto:dan.hetzel@wildcroft.com
Frederic Soriano
Honored Contributor

Re: problems with automount

Hello Tarek,

Have a look at /etc/auto_master file. Supposing that your master map is called auto.master, then /etc/auto-master should contain the line:

If using autofs, you can force the re-reading of the map by entering:
automount -f /etc/auto_master -v

You should see the output "/home remounted".

If it does not solve the problem, then try to install the patch as advised by Dan.

Best regards.

Super Advisor

Re: problems with automount

My /etc/auto_master is:
/net -hosts -hard -timeo=14 -retry=3 -rsize=4096 -wsize=4096
where should i put the +auto_master
Frederic Soriano
Honored Contributor

Re: problems with automount


It does not matter. The thing is one entry per line.
So your /etc/auto_master would eg. look like:

/net ...


Super Advisor

Re: problems with automount

The auto_master is read on each local ws, it doesn't read the nis server's one.
I have modified the nsswitch.conf and put automount=files[NOTFOUND=continue] nis but without success. Then i modified the auto_master and in it is only written:
/net -hosts -hard .In this way it works slowly and not always, but i don't have error message unkown user, i don't know why. When i enter as a user of that ws, su - user, his home directory is mounted by net. This is wrong, it might be read locally. (on all other ws works in this way). I think the problems is concerning auto_master and nsswitch.conf.
If i see what process is running when i start nfs.client (ps -ef | grep automount) on all ws the process is:
/usr/lib/netsvc/fs/automount/automount -f /etc/auto_master, but on that ws the process is:
Why this difference? I hope i've been clear.
Super Advisor

Re: problems with automount

Sorry all for not explaining good, maybe i've been confusing. We use nis in our company, but not for automount. The /etc/auto_master is read on each workstation.
I've solved the problem. It was the /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf in which there was a parameter AUTOFS=1 that might be 0. I checked it with the other workstations, that was the cause of the different automount process. However thanks all and sorry again for confusion.
Thomas Kollig
Trusted Contributor

Re: problems with automount

There are two versions of automount:
/usr/lib/netsvc/fs/autofs/automount (new)

The new one starts /usr/sbin/automountd. So I think you use both versions on different workstations. Look in the /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf file: AUTOFS=1 for the new and AUTOFS=0 for the old one.

Frederic Soriano
Honored Contributor

Re: problems with automount


Happy that you were able to solve your problem :o)

I think you should go and have a look at the following doc:

In chapter Configuring and Administering NFS, you have two relevant parts that may help you making distinction between both NFS automounters:

* Configuring and Administering the NFS Automounter
* Configuring and Administering AutoFS

I know there was a doc explaining pros and cons between both automounters, but I can't remind where it was.

I hope this helps !

