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Putty error

Aaron Ooi
Occasional Advisor

Putty error

Hi all,

Today i facing some issue on my unix box 11.23 with putty version 0.60. I unable to use putty to telnet, ssh and ssh2 to the server. However i able to telnet using window command prompt to telnet to the server.

i have use all kind of putty version but still cannot ssh to the server, somehow after 2 hour i able to use putty to ssh to the server. In syslog i saw some abnormal message:-

Jan 26 11:12:00 aprss012 sshd[27580]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:12:21 aprss012 sshd[27597]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:12:38 aprss012 sshd[27666]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:12:43 aprss012 sshd[27673]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:12:49 aprss012 sshd[27681]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:13:51 aprss012 sshd[27772]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:13:57 aprss012 sshd[27786]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:14:02 aprss012 sshd[27790]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:14:22 aprss012 sshd[27799]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:15:03 aprss012 sshd[27855]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:15:28 aprss012 sshd[27885]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:16:34 aprss012 sshd[27960]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:16:40 aprss012 sshd[27968]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:16:46 aprss012 sshd[27975]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:17:03 aprss012 sshd[28012]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:17:09 aprss012 sshd[28017]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:22:19 aprss012 sshd[28418]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:31:42 aprss012 sshd[29216]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:39:33 aprss012 sshd[29942]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000
Jan 26 11:42:16 aprss012 sshd[284]: fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000

Did anyone of you having the same issue before. I have check with the network guy, there is no network interruption at that time.
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Putty error

I know nothing, but that looks to me more
like a problem with sshd on the server than
any problem with the SSH client.

> [...] However i able to telnet [...]

That talks to telnetd, not to sshd.

How old is your sshd? "sshd -xxx"?
Aaron Ooi
Occasional Advisor

Re: Putty error

ok first of all, i need to let you know telnet using putty is not able also, only able to telnet using command prompt.

i have try to refresh the sshd and telnetd daemon but it still no luck. But somehow after about 40 minute i restart both daemon i able to connect using putty again either ssh or telnet with putty.
Johnson Punniyalingam
Honored Contributor

Re: Putty error

>>i have try to refresh the sshd and telnetd daemon but it still no luck. But somehow after about 40 minute i restart both daemon i able to connect using putty again either ssh or telnet with putty<<

if you can try also "RESET" -> LAN

reset the lan interfaces...
lanadmin ----> lan ----> reset lan interfaces..
Problems are common to all, but attitude makes the difference
Aaron Ooi
Occasional Advisor

Re: Putty error

Hi Guy today the problem happen again, i notice everytime i login using ssh with putty this error recorded in syslog

fatal: mm_memvalid: end < address: 0 < -140000

Do anyone know what does this mean, i have search around no info found. I have even rebooted the server, restart inetd, sshd and telnetd as well . But it still no luck
Suraj K Sankari
Honored Contributor

Re: Putty error

Un-installt the putty and install it again or used putty.exe if you dont want to install the same.

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Putty error

> How old is your sshd? "sshd -xxx"?

Is this secret information? (Why?)
Trusted Contributor

Re: Putty error

Aaron - PuTTY version 0.60 (latest) has telnet, rlogin, serial port, and raw modes in addition to SSH. Look for the radio buttons under the hostname box in the Session tab.
Aaron Ooi
Occasional Advisor

Re: Putty error

Hi Johnson,

I have reset the LAN interface, it still the same. Btw i dbelieve is not the LAN interface problem as i still able to telnet in.

Hi Surai,
I have uninstall and reinstall the new version of putty it still no luck, other than that i have use other such as secure crt but it still not helping.

Hi Steven,
I not sure what you mean by how old is your sshd. btw this is the version:-

OpenSSH_4.4p1-hpn12v11, OpenSSL 0.9.7l 28 Sep 2006
HP-UX Secure Shell-A.04.40.011, HP-UX Secure Shell version

For the daemon i have restarted it as well.

Hi mvpel,
Yup i know we can connect using other option in putty, but the problem is i have some schedule job need to use ssh to connect. Btw connect using telnet in putty is no issue.
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Putty error

> OpenSSH_4.4p1-hpn12v11, OpenSSL 0.9.7l 28 Sep 2006
> HP-UX Secure Shell-A.04.40.011, HP-UX Secure Shell version

You might consider trying a newer version:
