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re : couldn't query physical volume

Super Advisor

re : couldn't query physical volume

Hi Guys,
Can someone advice, I have this message during the BCH boot up sequence, it says could't query physical volume c0t8d0 vg01...
could't query physical volume c0t9d0 vg02...

but, after the server bring up to init 3, when i ran bdf, vg01 and vg02 is mounted. and in my /etc/lvmtab i can see the disk for vg01 and vg02. Can someone advice how can I remove the warning.

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Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: re : couldn't query physical volume

The VG may be mounted, but that doesn't mean it's all there! Check ioscan output to make sure that these volumes are in fact available. If ioscan reports them as "no hardware" or some similar problem, you will need to find out why they disappeared.


Acclaimed Contributor

Re: re : couldn't query physical volume

Remove the warning by removing the problem!

Please post

# vgdisplay -v vg01
# vgdisplay -v vg02
# strings /etc/lvmtab
# ioscan -fn

Hope this helps!

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Acclaimed Contributor

Re: re : couldn't query physical volume

Be aware, ioscan will not list failed disks, if the server was booted with the already failed disk.

Hope this helps!

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those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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