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Removal of ServiceGuard

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Brenda G Follin
Occasional Advisor

Removal of ServiceGuard

I need to remove ServiceGuard and need to know all of the components that I need to remove using swremove. And will this cause a reboot? Reason I am asking I did a removal on a test server that use to be in a cluster and it didn't cause a reboot.
Ludovic Derlyn
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Removal of ServiceGuard


Your server is included in a cluster or not ?

what is the result of cmviewcl -v ?

if not included , execute swremove and remove cluster-monitor

if you have installed mission critical, it's included in mission critical bundle

for example :

HPUX11i-OE-MC -> B.11.23.0512 HP-UX Mission Critical


Brenda G Follin
Occasional Advisor

Re: Removal of ServiceGuard

HP came in and have everything done except the removal of the software.
Ludovic Derlyn
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Removal of ServiceGuard


ok for remove execute :

swremove and remove "cluster-monitor A.11.1x.00" (for me it's A.11.17.00)

if you have installed mission critical, it's included in mission critical bundle

for remove, select

HPUX11i-OE-MC -> B.11.23.0512 HP-UX Mission Critical and select "cluster monitor A .11.1x.00"

It's seems that reboot is not required


Brenda G Follin
Occasional Advisor

Re: Removal of ServiceGuard

I found it in the mission critical bundle. Thanks for the information.
Brenda G Follin
Occasional Advisor

Re: Removal of ServiceGuard

Thanks for you help.
Geoff Wild
Honored Contributor

Re: Removal of ServiceGuard

Not much, but you don't need to reboot:


Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight.