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Re: remsh and login messages

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Scott E Smith
Frequent Advisor

remsh and login messages

I am doing an su from root to another account and issuing a subsequent remsh command. ALl of the output is being re-directed to a file but the file is full of the information in the /etc/copyright file. Is there any way to avoid this? Thanks.
Shannon Petry
Honored Contributor

Re: remsh and login messages

Yes and no. Yes you can zero out the copyright file. I'd recommend backing up the old one for possible legal reasons. I.E.
cp -p /etc/copyright /etc/copyright_orig
cat /dev/null >/etc/copyright

FYI it is not the "su" causing the problem, but the remsh. If no session is established in recex, rsh, rlogin then the /etc/copyright and /etc/motd are displayed as this becomes a login session.

Microsoft. When do you want a virus today?
Honored Contributor

Re: remsh and login messages

Do you want to disable the copyright info for all users?
To do that in /etc/profile

comment out /etc/copyright.

#cat /etc/copyright

~ Richard
Scott E Smith
Frequent Advisor

Re: remsh and login messages

Might then there be a better way than remsh? I tried rexec but it requires a password.
T. M. Louah
Esteemed Contributor

Re: remsh and login messages

.: check the difference between :
# su - username
# su username

PAP (a.k.a pliz assign points)!
Little learning is dangerous!
Scott E Smith
Frequent Advisor

Re: remsh and login messages

That didt. Thanks T.M.
harry d brown jr
Honored Contributor

Re: remsh and login messages

You could fgrep -v -f /etc/copyright outputscriptpath

live free or die
Live Free or Die
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: remsh and login messages

This is a very common problem. /etc/profile and .profile must be rewritten to bypass terminal-specific code. That's because cron jobs and remsh's do not have a controlling terminal. Thus, commands that are appropriate for an interactive login must be bypassed when there is no terminal.

To determine whether this session is interactive, you can use:

if [ -o interactive ]
export INTERACTIVESHELL=/sbin/true
export INTERACTIVESHELL=/sbin/false

Now when a command such as ttytype or tset or the copyright message appears, run these commands only when INTERACTIVESHELL is true:

eval $(ttytype -s)

And here's a solution for the long copyright message:

# This meets legal requirements...without the long message

echo "\nThe copyright notice can be read by typing: cat /etc/copyright\n"

Now, the message won't appear at all if the shell is not interactive and if it is, only the one-liner will be shown.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin