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Restoring image when APA is configured

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Ken Englander
Regular Advisor

Restoring image when APA is configured

I am having trouble restoring a backup that hangs when it is nearly done. See portion of the log below.

I have a case open with HP and they have pointed out that Ignite does not support restoring over an aggregated configuration. The release notes say to unaggregate the port, which leaves me with the question as to how?

The aggregate I have configured is a failover group so there is nothing special setup on the switch.

Does this limitation mean that I must actually use a different NIC to do the restoration?

Any suggestions/clarification would be appreciated - I am waiting for a call back from L2 support right now.


Log portion below...

insf: Installing special files for pseudo driver escsi
* Bringing up Network (lan21)
add net default: gateway
* NFS mounting clients directory.
* Boot_From_Client_Disk: Complete
* Run_SD_Configure_Scripts: Begin
* Running command ("/opt/swm.iux/bin/swm job list -a job_id
* Run_SD_Configure_Scripts: Complete
* Run_Postconfigure_Scripts: Begin
* Applying the networking information.
/sbin/init.d/hpapa started.
Please be patient. This may take about 20 seconds.
/usr/sbin/hp_apa_util -S 21 LAN_MONITOR
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -g 21 5 900
New Group Capability = 5
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -t 21 5 900
New Port Priority = 5
/usr/sbin/hp_apa_util -S 120 LAN_MONITOR
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -g 120 5 900
New Group Capability = 5
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -t 120 3 900
New Port Priority = 3
/usr/sbin/hp_apa_util -S 121 LAN_MONITOR
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -g 121 7 900
New Group Capability = 7
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -t 121 5 900
New Port Priority = 5
/usr/sbin/hp_apa_util -S 20 LAN_MONITOR
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -g 20 7 900
New Group Capability = 7
/usr/sbin/lanadmin -X -t 20 3 900
New Port Priority = 3
Reading ASCII file /etc/lanmon/lanconfig.ascii
Unable to receive reply from local cmclconfd. Connection timed out
Unable to initialize HOSTNAME_ADDRESS_FAMILY.
Creating Fail-Over Group lan900
Creating Fail-OveNFS server not responding still trying
NFS server not responding still trying
Honored Contributor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

Bonjour Ken

I am facing the same problem. Did you find a workaround ?

Ken Englander
Regular Advisor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

Sorry but there is nothing I consider to be a "workaround" - Ignite does not support APA. You need to have another NIC. The only other option must be done as a part of making the backup. I can provide more details if you want them.
Honored Contributor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

Don't be sorry ;-) found a workaround ...

Just after the download of the Ignite I stopped the box after the 1st reboot and before the second phase of ignite occurs.

Now the idea is to boot an other system from an other disk and to acces the ignited disk from this system. Then you can rename /etc/lanmon/lanconfig.ascii. I guess it could have been enough, but I also renamed etc/lanmon/lanconfig, /etc/rc.config.d/hp_apaconf and /etc/rc.config.d/hp_apaportconf.

By chance, I had a mirrored disk of the old vg00 that was still useable after the ignite procedure.

Then rebooted the box with the modified ignited disk and the second phase of ignite started and worked fine.

Thanks a lot for your answer


Ken Englander
Regular Advisor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

That sounds great if you have another system already set up to access the same disk or have the option to zone it (and its not an internal disk).

The idea for doing it in advance is to "modify" the configuration files so APA will not be in the configuration until after the restore is done. I believe HP sent me some specific suggestions but I have not actually done anything with them at this point.

Fortunately when it happened to me I had another NIC I could use and got around it.

It would be nice if the backup would warn about the potential problem!
Karel Dusek
Occasional Advisor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

We have same issue in our company. HP seems don't want anyhow modify Ignite-UX to support it (don't see point why... - enterprise software? huh! no way)...

But I'm thinking about workaround... Would it be possible after the recovery backup run user-script which will modify created cpio/tar archive to rename APA configuration files? It would make Ignite-UX recovery successfull and probably implementing another user-script to restore process which would rename APA config files back => after reboot it would work fine (in case of recovery of the same server, in case of clonning it always needs more manual job)

What do you think about this? I don't have fully working solution, just idea...
Honored Contributor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured


Rather than editing the created image to rename configuration files we decided to rename APA configuration files just BEFORE taking an ignite image then restore to original naming after the image is done. I think it is simpler.

We did nothing to automate the renaming of APA configuration files once an image is restored. The "howto" is written in the client's procedures and it is enough.

But of course you could add your own script and have it executed automatically. The only method I know is to add lines in the archive_cfg file :

post_config_script += "/AbsolutePath/MyRenamingApaFilesScript"

May be there is a way to have it automatically inserted when taking an image, but I don't know how to.

Karel Dusek
Occasional Advisor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

Here is my work-around which allows restore server with configured APA interfaces, please test it and report issue or additional code polishing :) The idea is pretty easy, we know that restore works when HP APA is not configured, so we "temporary" remove its configuration files and restore them at the very end.

NOTE: Tested with Ignite-UX C.7.10.474

1. It requires only editing this file on Ignite-UX server:
WARNING: This file will be always over-written if newer version of Ignite-UX will be installed.

2. Find this original shell condition in mentioned script and put my piece of code after echo command see 3.
>>if [[ "$RECOVERY_MODE" = "TRUE" ]]; then
>> echo " * Running in recovery mode (os_arch_post_l)."

3. Add this piece of code:
# HP APA RESTORE WORKAROUND - karel.dusek@dhl.com
KADU_FILES="/etc/lanmon/lanconfig.ascii /etc/lanmon/lanconfig /etc/rc.config.d/hp_apaconf /etc/rc.config.d/hp_apaportconf"
for kadu_file in $KADU_FILES;do
[ -f $kadu_file ] && { save_file $kadu_file; rm -f $kadu_file; }

4. This will make able to restore server (not clonning just the same server) with HP APA configured and not hangs at this phase:
Creating Fail-Over Group lan900
Creating Fail-OveNFS server not responding still trying
NFS server not responding still trying

The output should be like this:
* Applying the networking information.
/sbin/init.d/hpapa started.
Please be patient. This may take about 20 seconds.
ERROR: missing file "/etc/rc.config.d/hp_apaconf"
* Applying the timezone: MET-1METDST.
* Run all specified post-configure scripts.
* Executing user specified script: "/opt/ignite/data/scripts/os_arch_post_c".
* Running in recovery mode (os_arch_post_c).
* Executing user specified commands.
* Run_Postconfigure_Scripts: Complete
======= 07/28/10 16:19:10 METDST Installation complete: Successful

5. HP APA files will be restored from /opt/ignite/data/scripts/os_arch_post_c by using internal function restore_file => so it means we don't need do anything here. When final reboot is performed HP APA should be ok

try, test it and report issues... no guarantees
Ken Englander
Regular Advisor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

Karel and Eric - those are great ideas! HP suggested I use both a post_load_script and a post_config_script. I like Karel's idea since it avoids having to modify the specific script each time a backup is done.

But I must admit I think Eric is on to something in making it simpler by renaming the files during the backup. Just need to make sure to trap errors and rename them back if the backup fails.

The one thing different I got from HP was the suggestion to focus on the actual scripts rather than the "data" - he suggested renaming/replacing /sbin/init.d/hpapa and /sbin/init.d/hplm with "exit 0".

I have not tried that yet, but I think I will see if that works.

BTW Karel - I did get a similar answer from HP that they have no plans to solve this problem. Perhaps they could incorporate a "friendly" workaround!
Karel Dusek
Occasional Advisor

Re: Restoring image when APA is configured

Eric solution - renaming HP APA files before taking recovery image good, but requires manually renaming them after recovery a server. Anyway it is better for cases when image is sent outside of "local" infrastructure or immune against Ignite-UX upgrades.

My solution doesn't require any manual intervention -> everything is done on-the-fly when recovery is performed. It just work as we would like to have it. Further there is no need for "ammending current working instruction in the company" and more automatic solution for me is always better. Anyway you have always modify os_arch_post_l script when Ignite-UX upgrade is done.