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Re: rlogin help

Abhilash Krishnan
Frequent Advisor

rlogin help

Hi all
I want only selected users to do rlogin.I don't want all users can do rlogin for my servers.Is their any way to do it.
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: rlogin help

Use the ~/.rhosts file to enable individual users. See "man .rhosts".


Rita C Workman
Honored Contributor

Re: rlogin help

Remote login (rlogin) requires the existence of either the .rhost or hosts.equiv file.

So if you don't want certain people to have that access you need to ensure that these files for those accounts don't have their information allowing to enter via the file permissions. A cron'd script that goes out and searches for these files and checks to ensure certain things aren't there might do.

Or if you are trying to block them from any contact (rlogin or telnet or anything) you could edit your /var/adm/inetd.sec file and put their info in that file like this example:

telnet deny x.x.x.x
login deny


Abhilash Krishnan
Frequent Advisor

Re: rlogin help

Hi rita
I am doing changes in /var/adm/inetd.sec file

login deny srikanth

where srikanth is the user but still he can do rlogin to server I also rstart the initd services

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: rlogin help

>>I am doing changes in /var/adm/inetd.sec file
>>login deny srikanth

The inetd.sec file only uses HOST NAMES or IP ADDRESSES. You can NOT put a user name in that file. It will NOT work.
Johnson Punniyalingam
Honored Contributor

Re: rlogin help

Hi Biju,

>>changes in /var/adm/inetd.sec file <<

>>login deny srikanth<< You can only point ipaddress. only


login deny 192.168.*.*

Problems are common to all, but attitude makes the difference
Johnson Punniyalingam
Honored Contributor

Re: rlogin help

Hi Biju,

You try some "work around" methods

Example 1:-

Create two groups. To this groups add the users to which you want to give rlogin & telnet access. Say for example.

vi /etc/group

-r-sr-xr-- 1 rloggrp bin 36864 Nov 14 2000 /usr/bin/rlogin
-r-xr-xr-- 1 telgrp bin 106496 Nov 14 2000 /usr/bin/telnet

Give execute permission for this group only.
Problems are common to all, but attitude makes the difference
Abhilash Krishnan
Frequent Advisor

Re: rlogin help

Hi johnson

How i can give execute permission to that group only .Is this ok to change permission of /usr/bin/rlogin.Its Ok then give me step by step procedure to do it.I want only srikanth can rlogin to my server except srikanth noone can rlogin.
Abhilash Krishnan
Frequent Advisor

Re: rlogin help
