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SAM Quest

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Richard Darling
Trusted Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1) a)
2) a) sam
3) add/remove users; use the command line to change passwords - faster
4) no
Alan Riggs
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1. What is your preferred method(s) for Backup & Recovery?
d. HP's OmniBack

2. Do you perform the following tasks? If yes, HOW do you do them - with SAM or the system commands?
a. LVM commands
b. Filesystem Management commands
c. Swap commands
d. Disk Array Configuration both
e. Disk Backups commands

3. What are the top 3 - 5 tasks that you perform most often in SAM's User & Groups (UG) area? Which UG related tasks do you use system commands for instead? Any reasons? (Please differentiate between Local, NIS, NIS+ Users).

I do not use SAM for UG administration. (local or NIS)

4. Have you ever used the HP program Top Tools? If yes, what do you use it for? do you like it? (www.hp.com/toptools)

I have not used it.
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

Hi folks!

1a -> fbackup/frecover for ad hoc utility backups; Ignite make_tape_recovery (for VG00) and 1e -> EMC's EDM (Enterprise Data Management) for daily, production backups.

2a: LVM -> System commands.
2b: FileSystems -> System commands.
2c: Swap -> SAM
2d: Disk Array Config -> SAM
2e: Disk Backups -> System commands.

3 -> Adding/removing users and groups (local only).

4 -> No knowledge/never used.

Regular Advisor

Re: SAM Quest

1. What is your preferred method(s) for Backup & Recovery?
a.ADSM ...(IBM,s network based backup..similar to veritas netbackup)
b. HP's OmniBack ..In order of preference.
In systems where we have a tap elibrary we use omniback.In critical systems and systems without any tape library we use ADSM

2. Do you perform the following tasks? If yes, HOW do you do them - with SAM or the system commands?
a. LVM ----command line
b. Filesystem Management ----command line
c. Swap --command line
d. Disk Array Configuration ---SAM
e. Disk Backups --command line

3. What are the top 3 - 5 tasks that you perform most often in SAM's User & Groups (UG) area? Which UG related tasks do you use system commands for instead? Any reasons? (Please differentiate between Local, NIS, NIS+ Users).
1.User creation ..adding bulk users..template
2.Group creations ...unique gid's and uid,s
3.Trusted user management ..passwd aging..warning etc.

Its ALL in the MATRIX
Steven Sim Kok Leong
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest


1 (d).

HP Omniback is my preferred method for backup and recovery.

2. Do you perform the following tasks? If yes, HOW do you do them - with SAM or the system commands?

a. LVM

Using system commands:
- in order to specify where the mirror copy should reside ie. lvcreate followed by lvextend.
- for ease of writing a script to mass-create logical volumes and mirrors on a freshly-installed system unattended ie. a for loop integrated with a data file containing the respective LV names with their corresponding PV locations to reside on.

b. Filesystem Management

Using system commands:
- for ease of writing a script to mass-create filesystems on respective LVs, create the mount-points, modify the /etc/fstab on a freshly-installed system and mount the filesystems unattended ie. a for loop integrated with a data file containing the respective LV names with their corresponding FS mount-points to reside on and size etc.
- using fsadm, fstyp etc.
- filesystem usage monitoring through scripting

c. Swap

- especially so when maxswapchunks needs to be modified.

d. Disk Array Configuration
- NA.

e. Disk Backups

Using system commands:
- calling omniback directly via xomni.

3. What are the top 3 - 5 tasks that you perform most often in SAM's User & Groups (UG) area? Which UG related tasks do you use system commands for instead? Any reasons? (Please differentiate between Local, NIS, NIS+ Users).

- Restricted SAM by operators in
: creating user accounts
: changing user passwords
: re-activating of user accounts
: deleting user accounts and home directories

- Using system commands:
: script to shift ownership of all files of a specific user to another existing user including /var/mail/userid.
: script to migrate user accounts and home directories from one system to another.

4. Have you ever used the HP program Top Tools? If yes, what do you use it for? do you like it? (www.hp.com/toptools)
- NA.

Hope this helps. Regards.

Steven Sim Kok Leong
Brainbench MVP for Unix Admin
Stefan Schulz
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1.) e Other: Legato Networker

2a) LVM - both SAM and system commands
2b) Filesystem Magangement - both
2c) Swap - system commands
2d) Disk Array Configuration - system commands
2e) Disk Backups - if I use fbackup, SAM, otherwise Legato.

3) We don't use NIS or NIS+. i do all userconfigurations "by hand" on the commandline.

4) Never used it. Think it doesn't help me in my HP-UX environment. Though i would give it a try if it was available for HP-UX
No Mouse found. System halted. Press Mousebutton to continue.
Thierry Poels_1
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1. fbackup/frecover but migrating most servers to HP OmniBack.

a. SAM & command line
b. SAM & command line
c. SAM
d. SAM
e. command line

3. creating users only
all others (editing, removing) from command line

4. No
All unix flavours are exactly the same . . . . . . . . . . for end users anyway.
Alexander M. Ermes
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
Here my reply to your survey :

1 d
2 a SAM
2 b SAM
2 c both
2 d both
2 e system commands

3 add local users and groups.

4 no

Alexander M. Ermes
.. and all these memories are going to vanish like tears in the rain! final words from Rutger Hauer in "Blade Runner"
Marcel Boon
Trusted Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

Hi SAM Team,

The answers:
1) a: fbackup /frecover
2) a: system commands
b: system commands
c: SAM and system commands
d: SAM
e: system commands
3) no
4) never used before...


See the man pages
Harri Muttilainen
Occasional Advisor

Re: SAM Quest

d. HP's OmniBack

a. LVM - yes, both
b. Filesystem Management - yes, both
c. Swap - no
d. Disk Array Configuration - rarely, system commands
e. Disk Backups - no

3. What are the top 3 - 5 tasks that you perform most often in SAM's User & Groups (UG) area?

- create users/groups

4. Have you ever used the HP program Top Tools? If yes, what do you use it for?

- have used it mainly for collecting information of the machines, it seems to do the job OK

That wasn't me! I didn't say that!