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Re: SAS and EMS messages (Software configuration error)

Marek Mahut

SAS and EMS messages (Software configuration error)

Hello all,

We got one new ia64 server in production since 3 days and each day one EMS message occur on SAS device file:

# grep -i ems /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Jan 21 16:02:04 rixsasp3 inetd[1224]: shell/tcp: Added service, server /usr/lbin/remshd
Jan 21 16:05:04 rixsasp3 EMS [3304]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "SERIOUS (4)" for Resource: "/storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0." (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details: /opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 216530956 -r /storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0. -n 216530945 -a
Jan 22 16:23:00 rixsasp3 EMS [3304]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "SERIOUS (4)" for Resource: "/storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0." (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details: /opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 216530956 -r /storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0. -n 216530946 -a
Jan 23 17:16:43 rixsasp3 EMS [3304]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "SERIOUS (4)" for Resource: "/storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0." (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details: /opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 216530956 -r /storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0. -n 216530947 -a
Jan 24 17:17:26 rixsasp3 EMS [3304]: ------ EMS Event Notification ------ Value: "SERIOUS (4)" for Resource: "/storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0." (Threshold: >= " 3") Execute the following command to obtain event details: /opt/resmon/bin/resdata -R 216530956 -r /storage/events/disks/default/0_4_1_0. -n 216530948 -a



Event Time..........: Wed Jan 24 17:17:25 2007
Severity............: SERIOUS
Monitor.............: disk_em
Event #.............: 100776
System..............: rixsasp3.sbbio.be

Disk at hardware path 0/4/1/ : Software configuration error


Here you can see that these message are coming from SAS virtual device file:

# ioscan -fnkH0/4/1/0.0
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
ext_bus 11 0/4/1/0.0.0 sasd_vbus CLAIMED INTERFACE SAS Device Interface
target 57 0/4/1/ tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
disk 1 0/4/1/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP DG072A8B54
/dev/dsk/c11t0d0 /dev/rdsk/c11t0d0
target 58 0/4/1/ tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
disk 2 0/4/1/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP DG072A8B54
/dev/dsk/c11t1d0 /dev/rdsk/c11t1d0
target 59 0/4/1/ tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
disk 3 0/4/1/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP IR Volume
/dev/dsk/c11t2d0 /dev/dsk/c11t2d0s3 /dev/rdsk/c11t2d0s2
/dev/dsk/c11t2d0s1 /dev/rdsk/c11t2d0 /dev/rdsk/c11t2d0s3
/dev/dsk/c11t2d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c11t2d0s1

# sasmgr get_info -D /dev/sasd0 -q raid

Thu Jan 25 09:38:05 2007

---------- PHYSICAL DRIVES ----------
LUN dsf SAS Address Enclosure Bay Size(MB)

/dev/rdsk/c11t0d0 0x5000c50001d6e3c9 1 2 70007
/dev/rdsk/c11t1d0 0x5000c50001d6afb1 1 3 70007

---------- LOGICAL DRIVE 5 ----------

Raid Level : RAID 1
Volume sas address : 0x366e568e8d058c4
Device Special File : /dev/rdsk/c11t2d0
Raid State : OPTIMAL
Raid Status Flag : ENABLED
Raid Size : 69878
Rebuild Rate : 0.00 %
Rebuild Progress : 100.00 %

Participating Physical Drive(s) :

SAS Address Enc Bay Size(MB) Type State

0x500000e011f31c12 1 7 70007 SECONDARY ONLINE
0x500000e011ee8f22 1 8 70007 PRIMARY ONLINE


The strange thing is that everytime arround 17h... any ideas what can be the root cause of this issue ?

Thanks to all,


/Marek Mahut.



P.S. This thread has been moved from Disk to HP-UX > sysadmin. -  Hp Forum Moderator

"If I ever find out about someone sacrificing quality in order to meet a shipment schedule, I will personally have him fired." -- Dave Packard
Marek Mahut

Re: SAS and EMS messages (Software configuration error)

Ok all,

I will not asking stupid questions before consulting patch db :)

patches for fixing this issue are:

- PHSS_35807 for 11.23
- PHSS_35808 for 11.11

maybe it can help you...


/Marek Mahut.
"If I ever find out about someone sacrificing quality in order to meet a shipment schedule, I will personally have him fired." -- Dave Packard
Andrew Merritt_2
Honored Contributor

Re: SAS and EMS messages (Software configuration error)

Hi Marek,
Just to clarify.

This problem only affects newer IA systems which have an internal RAID array, at present that can be rx3600, rx6600 and rx2660. It can therefore only affect 11.23 systems.

PHSS_35807 will have the fix for this, it is due to be released very soon.

Marek Mahut

Re: SAS and EMS messages (Software configuration error)


thanks for info, do you know when this patch will be avaiable ?


"If I ever find out about someone sacrificing quality in order to meet a shipment schedule, I will personally have him fired." -- Dave Packard
Andrew Merritt_2
Honored Contributor

Re: SAS and EMS messages (Software configuration error)

Hi Marek,
I'm afraid I can't be more definite, I'm expecting it to be available by the end of next week.
